-Chapter Twenty-

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You stood there staring into her eyes. You knew she found out. She figured out that you broke free. And she (and Glitchtrap) were mad about that.

Sun walked up and played a friendly act as he gently removed Vanessa's hands from you. He then pulled you closer to him, preventing her from doing anything to you. "Ms. Vanessa, please don't touch them like that. They haven't done anything to you," he said to her.

"This is between me and them. Not you, damn sun," Vanessa said as anger grew in her voice.

"Then, it can wait. Because right now, we're cleaning the daycare," he said as he sent her a glare.

Vanessa scoffed and walked away. As she did, she said, "Watch yourself constantly, Lamby."

Sun turned to look at you after Vanessa left. "What did she mean by that?"

"I'm screwed... I'm going to die..." That was all you mumbled as you walked around in panic. Vanny or Glitchtrap is going to kill you.

Gregory got out of hiding and walked over to you. "Y/N, are you alright?"

You simply shook your head, no. Tears filled your eyes, but you refused to let them out. You can't cry. Not now. But, despite your mental struggle of keeping them in, they slowly rolled down your cheeks.

Sun sat beside you and rubbed your back. He then asked a question, hoping that you wouldn't cry worse than you were now. "Y/N, why did she call you 'Lamby'?"

"If I tell you, do you, all three of you, promise not to hate me?" Sun and Gregory looked confused at your words. They both nodded, and you continued. "Vanessa led me to a place where I got a virus of sorts in my head. That ended up making me want to kill. To prove my worthiness to her and someone else, named Glitchtrap, I had to kill a kid. At first, I felt nothing but joy, but now, I regret it so much! Every other chance I got, I helped the kids get out, but I still hear his cries over and over."

The two stare at you. They said nothing. You felt nervous, almost thinking that you shouldn't have said anything about it. Then, you decided to say more.

"Good thing about the whole thing is, I fixed Moon. I was able to see a glitched problem and fixed it. So he's back to being nice. And, I'm still able to see it, even after I got rid of the virus. I guess that would explain why Vanessa was so upset with me."

"So... Are you good now? You aren't going to kill me, right?" Gregory asked.

"I won't! Even if I still had it, I fought it back for a while," you said. You hoped they wouldn't hate you. Especially Sun and Moon. You loved them a lot. It would break your heart if they ended up hating you. "You don't hate me... right...?"

"Me and Moon don't," Sun said, getting rid of your mental stress of them hating you. "After all, you regret it and won't ever do it again."

Gregory followed up right after, "I don't hate hate you either! You haven't hurt me or given me to the blonde guard!"

You smiled. You were so happy that they didn't hate you. But now, the only problem left is...

What are you going to do to not die by Glitchtrap and Vanny?

How would you answer that question?
I would grab any weapon I could and fight back. (No, this isn't foreshadowing.)

Now then, go and have a great rest of your Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

614 Words

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