-Chapter Twenty-One-

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A few hours have passed. You now sit on the bed that Sun and Moon owned. Gregory was sleeping in a separate room, as he wanted to be close, but alone.

You were tired, but you were also far too scared to sleep. You didn't want to know what those two would do. With a small sigh, you lay down and rested your eyes, falling asleep.


I open my eyes and see that I am dreaming. This doesn't look like when I met Glitchtrap. Also, it doesn't look like my dreams of self-doubt. And, I'm not ne-

Oh... yes, I am. I am nervous. So this means a nightmare? But, I'm typically not aware that it's a nightmare till it's over. So what is this...

"Ever seen Nightmare on Elm Street?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around, yet saw no one.

"Kinda," I answered. I'm not going to mention why it's "kinda" and not a yes or no. Because I know why.

"Do you know what's it's based on?" It said again. And now that you think about it... this sounds similar to...

Glitchtrap. Shit.

"Yeah, it's based on people who had nightmares and died in their sleep," I answered. Google told me that. Whether it was true, I wasn't sure, but it was close enough since I've also heard it was based on a kid who died in his sleep from a nightmare. So, either way, people died from a nightmare.

"Indeed, so you know what's going to happen then?" Glitchtrap asked. I could hear the grin he gave.

"I'm going to..." it took a small bit to process it. "I'M GOING TO DIE IN MY SLEEP!" Dying in your sleep was okay, but... Gregory and the two you loved. You needed to stay alive for them.

He simply chuckled. "Such a smart lamb."

"Don't call me that!" I yelled at him. "Let me stay alive!"

"Only if you return to my control," he said.

"Fuck that," I said in annoyance.

"Then, I guess you aren't saying goodbye," he chuckled.

I sighed and sat down. The feeling that made me sure Glitchtrap was there was gone. In the dream, I began to cry. I wanted to go back, but I would have to go back to Glitchtrap's control. I didn't want that.

"I'm back! With something so say!" Glitchtrap said with a cheeky tone.

"What do you want?" I said with annoyance.

"I promise I'll make a final note to your... friends. Just tell me what you want to say," he said.

"Never knew you had a heart," I say with a sarcastic tone. "Anyways, tell them... I'll miss them. And I want them to know that I'm happy I met them."

"That's cheesy as fuck, but fine," he rolled his eyes. "Oh, and when they find this, I'll let you hear their reaction."

"How kind of you," I rolled my eyes as well.

Glitchtrap then left. The world felt silent to me. All I could do now was wait. Wait for them to realize I'm dead. And... who knows... I might be able to come back. At least there's a small chance, right?

Do not fear! The end isn't here yet! I have more ideas to use. Well... unless the final results ended in two being chosen.

Anyways, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

565 Words

(If you are curious, I put a message on my message board asking for one or two being chosen for the ending of this book. Depending on which is more chosen makes the ending. Also, if you want to vote, then dont feel pressured. And if you have already voted, dont try to change your answer. Since that'll make it hard for me.)

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