-Chapter Fourteen-

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I see the light disappear. Inside the yellow glow is a dirty yellow rabbit. It wore a purple vest, along with a purple bow tie. It wore a grin that was very...unnerving...

"The name's Glitchtrap, a pleasure to meet you, Y/N," they (I still wasn't sure of the gender) said to me.

"Yeah...ok...how did you know my name, uhh sir...?" I questioned the rabbit. It didn't correct me, so that must mean it is a he...or does it not care...? Whatever.

"I know plenty of things," he said. I could just hear the evil grin he gave.

Yeah. This was a huge mistake.

"Now then, when you wake up, follow the white bunny, who's named Vanny," he said as he slowly got dimmer and dimmer. Indicating that I was waking up.


"Wakey~ Wakey~," you heard a voice say from above your head. Your eyes opened fully, and you saw that bunny...what was her name...Vanny? Yeah, Vanny. "Yay! You're awake, now come on. We gotta be quick before Sun comes back in an hour."

You hopped out of bed, feeling a sting from where Moon had cut you. Vanny noticed. "Oh no. We can't have you being mindful of your steps... oh well, I'll carry you!"

She forcefully places you on her back. Then, she runs out of the room. You wondered how she could be so fast with a human on her back. Were you not heavy? You could've sworn you were.

Soon enough, she stopped running and placed you down. She danced around calling out for Glitchtrap.

He soon appeared, but not like he did in the dream. It was more like an outline of him. An outline of purple. He likes purple that much, huh?

"You were quite fast, Vanny," he said, giving her a questioning look. When he looked back at you, he made direct eye contact.

In an instant, you felt weak and fell.

"Perfect. Now we just need a name for you," he said as he and Vanny stood almost on top of you. You could only stare at them.

"Oh! How about Lamby?" Vanny spoke in a suggesting voice. You watched as Glitchtrap considered the possibility of the name. He nodded.

"That's perfect. Your nickname will be Lamby," he said as he reached his hand out, waiting for you to grab it. You reach up and grab it, with him helping you up.

You brushed yourself off. Your brain felt off. You didn't feel... like yourself. Your thoughts were barely registered. It made you feel weird. "Why Lamby?"

"Simple! You're like a little lamb, following the shepherd, in this case, Glitchtrap!" Vanny explained to you happily as she danced around.

"Oh..." was all you said.

They then made you go back to the daycare before Sun came back to you gone. Luckily for you, it's only been thirty minutes. However, you didn't know the exact way back... so Vanny happily brought you back. She also gave brief explanations for what you'll end up feeling and doing. And despite you now having to kill children, you weren't weirded out by it, even though you worked in a daycare.


"Sunshine! I'm back!" Sun cheered as he entered the room. "And luckily for you, it's the end of the day!"

"Can I please do my job now?" you ask. You wanted to go and do your nightguard shift.

"No. I won't let you," Sun crossed his arms. "Your injuries still aren't healed enough."

"But, Sun!" You begin.

"No buts. I won't let you. That's final," he said as he turned away.

"Can I at least see Moon?" you wonder.

Sun didn't answer. Instead, he walked away. Not bothering to answer. You began to speak, but nothing came out. You began to feel bad, even if it wasn't your fault, you did let Moon hurt you.

Suddenly, your head felt weird. Almost like someone or something entered your mind. You rubbed your temples as a headache began to form. You stood up and looked inside the mirror, because why not?

You froze up slightly. When did this happen? When the fuck did you get a purple eye? Why do you have a purple eye...

You brushed a part of your hair over your eye, hiding it away. You didn't want to worry anyone who could see it.

Coincidentally, Sun entered the room just as you did that. He said, "Y/N, Ms. Vanessa wishes to see you."

"Oh..okay..." you hopped out of bed and went to Sun. He took you down to the main daycare area. Once you were down, you went to Vanessa, who only walked away, wanting you to follow.

"Be back soon, Sunshine!" you heard Sun yell from behind you. You turned around and gave him a nice smile.

Once you and Vanessa were far enough away, she turned to you and said with a cheeky smile, "Follow me Lamby, I have your first victim."

"Wait... Vanny?"

She only gave a small chuckle.

Umm... it took me three days to think of what to call you... Lamby was the result, hope that's fine. And if you don't like it, feel free to change it to your liking.

Anyways! Have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

882 Words

Quick thing here, go look at my profile and answer the thing I've asked for you to. Of course, you don't have to, but I would like for you to.

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