-Chapter Thirteen-

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"I will not confirm nor deny," you say with an obvious forced smile. You didn't even try to hide the fact it was fake.

Sun sighed. "Fine. You don't need to tell me, but. You aren't working today, for either shift."

"Sun! No! I can't do that!" you complained. You had this job to not lie around. You needed to do it.

"Look at yourself, Sunshine!" Sun yelled making you make eye contact. "You are injured. You can't run around and spend time with the kids with these injuries. I wouldn't say anything if it were your arms, but NO! It's your damn stomach that's cut!"

You stare at him. Confusion and mild fear growing. Confusion, because it's Sun. Why would he ever yell, unless it was for the rules? And fear because he yelled. And he- wait... "Sun did you-?"

"Hush hush! That isn't the point right now!" he said in a panicked voice. If he were human, he'd most likely be sweating from the fact he was called out for saying "damn".

"Uhuh...sure," you said. You went along with it as he doesn't want to talk about it, which is understandable. You were like that when you first said a swear around your family when you were around 5.

"You do understand why I want you to rest, right?" he asked, breaking the awkward silence that was ever so slowly growing.

With a small groan, you lie down on your back. "Yes...I understand."

"Great!" his mood went from serious to funny and then back to serious when he said, "Now, stay put. I'll be back every hour or so to make sure you are safe."

You turned away and closed your eyes giving him a thumbs up. You wanted to sleep and now was your chance. You then drift off into sleep.

-Dream Time!-

I sat up. With a quick look around, I saw I wasn't in the daycare. That's weird. I slowly get up and walk toward a door that I see. I go to open it, but find that it's locked shut.

I click my tongue in frustration. I walk away and look around some more. This wasn't a nightmare, as far as I could see, that is. But it wasn't a dream either. It wasn't even that weird thing I had every other day.

Suddenly, a bright light appears. It wasn't like it was the previous times I saw it. It was more of a yellow light, it still blinded you though. I closed my eyes at the light, only to open them not too long after.

"Who the fuck-?"

"Hey, watch it," they spoke in a warning-typed tone.

"Who are you?" I ask in simple terms, without swearing.

"That isn't important right now, but next time you see that white light...give in to it," the voice said.

"Um... give me a reason why?"

It chuckled, "You love those two celestial beings, right?"

I nodded and waited for it to continue.

"Well, I have a way where you can always be with them," they said, the voice traveling all over the room.

"So, I just follow the white light, that has a bunny in it?" I ask. Raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, that's exactly it," it said. "So? What do you say? Eternity with the ones you love?"

"Can I know who you are after?" I question, seeing a dirty yellow hand appear from the light.

"Sure," the voice said.

I then grabbed its hand and shook it. But right after, I felt like I made a big mistake. But, there's no turning back now... I just hope I did a good thing just now.

Hehe... who would that be?? I wonder...

Anyway, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

632 Words

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