-Chapter Two-

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The time during your shift seemed to go by slowly, yet quickly at the same time. And now, it was time for the moment you'd been most nervous for. Your new route, going to the Daycare.

You breathe deeply as you walked through the doors. You didn't understand why a guard was needed for this area. After all, you were told Moon was part security bot.

The feeling of being watched came back again. You just brushed it off as being nervous since it was new to you. But when it only grew instead of lessening, you began to worry.

You constantly looked behind your shoulders. Was someone there, watching your every step? Was this just your stupid paranoia?

Suddenly, what sounded like a scurry across the ground was heard from behind you. You did a quick turn. No one was there, but you knew they were around somewhere. Then, a sound of bells was faintly heard from the doorway of the Daycare.

Diana never said to not enter the place, so it should be safe. Right?

The ringing got louder the closer you got. You opened the door and the bells stopped for a moment, almost seeming shocked you'd do something like that.

The sound came from the middle of the daycare, but you couldn't see shit. You pulled out your flashlight and turned it on. Shining it around made it easy to find your way around the place.

Once the middle was in view, the bells stopped completely. You shined the light around the place looking for anything that could have made those bells ring. Where the bells were even confused you.

"I didn't expect you to enter here," you heard a deep voice say from somewhere above you. "Normally, employees are told to never enter here, especially with the lights off."

"Yeah, well, I wasn't," you said with a tad bit of sass. "What are you going to do about it, hm?"

It was silent for a bit. You stood there waiting for any response or a way to continue this conversation.

Then, you were suddenly pushed to the ground. It was unexpected enough to where you had closed your eyes. Tightly at that. You then slowly opened your eyes to see what the hell made you fall like that.

Above you were red eyes. They glowed enough so that you can faintly see everything thing else on the face.

It looked to have a face that matches a crescent moon. There was a hat with a bell at the end on top of the head. The teeth weren't like the other animatronics teeth, they had a dull sharpness to them, these, however, were sharp. Nearly as sharp as knives.

The shock of the impact lessened, making the pain in your shoulders more noticeable. Taking a swift gaze at your shoulders you saw blue-tinted hands piercing through the skin.

That's when you realized who was above you. This was the Nighttime Daycare attendant, who also had security bot programming, Moon.

Most people would probably begin to scream in pain or fear. You, though, didn't feel that. Instead, it felt more... pleasing. You liked the feeling the pain gave.

Are you a masochist now? Enjoying the pain. But, you've never liked pain before, so why was this so different?

Not much to say from this. Well, aside from the question, should I make this story just dating or should I add a little spice to it?

I wanted to know because I don't know if you like reading that stuff in these types of books.

Now then! Go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

612 Words

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