-Chapter Seven-

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"I'm here," you said as you took a seat in the chair that sat right across from Diana's chair.

"Good," she said to you, a smile growing on her face. "How was working in the daycare?"

"It's nice," you said as you moved the chair around in a half-circle motion. "But, I want my original job."

Your words seemed to have shocked her. "But what about -?"

"I still want to work there, but I want the job I was originally here for," you said as you crossed your arms over your chest.



Well, sleep won't be much of an option now. During the day, you work in the daycare. Afterward, you check into your nightguard job. Meaning, you won't get sleep. It's not like you did beforehand.

You entered into your uniform and sighed. This is going to be fun. Now, you could've taken one or the other, but you have grown so used to the nightguard shit that it feels weird not to have it. And the kids love you, so it would break their hearts to not see you. It's not like you'd care much, but still.

As the night grew on, you got closer to being in the daycare. You hoped you'd see Moon again, as you couldn't all day long. It made you upset that Moon couldn't be out. Lyn missed seeing him, so what happened that could've made him not allowed out? Killing guards or scaring them wouldn't be enough because then he wouldn't be out at all.

You got to the doors that entered the daycare. You walked inside and saw the lights were off. Great.

A yawn escaped your lips, and you shined your light around. "You should get sleep, you know."

"Well, hello to you too, Moon," you said as your eyes grew heavy. Your steps grew slower and more difficult to take. Soon enough, you stopped moving.

Trying to focus on staying awake, you blinked your eyes aggressively. You hadn't even noticed you had begun to tilt over slightly. You only noticed when you felt hands wrap themselves around your waist. You knew they were Moon's hands. And without him even realizing it, his claws had begun to slowly sink into your skin. It felt nice. Nicer than it had the night before. Although, that might be from the fact that he isn't trying to kill you this time.

You felt the ground get taken away from you. Or rather, you were taken from the ground. Moon was carrying you. Where? I have no clue.

"Moon? Where are you taking me?" you asked the moon-faced animatronic.

"A place where you sleep, you need it, you know," he answered. You saw where he took you in front of you. He carefully stepped onto the platform and walked toward a room that looked like it would be his. You didn't know why he had a room when he didn't sleep.

Moon placed you down on his bed and pulled the blanket over you. "Sleep," was all he said after that. You knew you wouldn't be able to. You were unsure why, but in an unknown spot, sleep wasn't optional. Rather, you never could, no matter how tired you were.

Suddenly, you began to hear a piece of faint music coming from beside you. You turned your head and saw that Moon had his eyes closed as he leaned backward. Then it came to you, the music was coming from him. He had a built-in music box that would typically be used to help children sleep.

Somehow, your eyes closed, and sleep began to overtake your body. It felt nice to fall asleep as quickly as you just did. Although, when this happens, it doesn't ever last for too long. You sometimes wake up in a panic, for no reason.

Hopefully, you could stay asleep this time.

I think Y/N might be able to sleep this time... or maybe they won't... I'm not saying.

*Ahem* NEways! Go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

675 Words

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