-Chapter Seventeen-

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You tensed. You looked him in the eyes and didn't answer. Telling Sun about what you had done isn't an option. It's not like you could explain by just saying Vanessa cut you. Because that'll lead to more questions. Ones that you didn't want to answer.

"Sunshine... please tell me," he said in a begging tone.

"I can't. You'll get upset," you told him.

He frowned, "Please, I won't get upset. I promise!"

"Most people lie when they say that," you said as you turned away from him again.

"I'm not, I promise you," he said as he stood up and gently went in front of you to look you in the eyes.

"Well..." Were you actually going to tell him what happened? Yes, but no. You'd just tell what's needed, not anymore. "I got into a fight and got my face cut on a sharp object."

Sun stayed quiet. He then slowly moved his hand up to your mask, slightly grabbing the string that held the mask to your face. "Can I see it?"

You nodded. Sun then took off the mask. You watched as his eyes widened. He seemed as though he wanted to say something but soon closed it after. You felt his finger trace over the cut, which made you tense slightly.

"Did you do your own stitches?" Sun asked.

"I did," you answered.

His eyes then moved over to your hair that covered your eye. "Could I see that, as well?"

"No. You can't," you said with full seriousness. You can't have him see the purple eye that you have obtained.

He then placed your mask back onto your face, backing away soon after. Sun walked back towards the bed and sat down on it. "Y/N, be honest with me. Where did you go after you left the daycare? I mean, after you came back and left right after."

"I don't know what you mean?" Sun looked at you when you had answered that.

"Really? Because Moon noticed you leaving after you heard me and him talking," he said as he crossed his arms. He didn't like liars, but what else could you do? Tell him that you went to the security room to try and find out how to fix your purple eye? Not a chance.

"Oh, I just wanted to look around," you gave a lie. It wasn't good and easily able to be known as a lie. That meant, Sun knew you lied to him. However, he didn't pry to get the answer.


It's been two days after that now... fuck your headache keeps getting worse. Vanny and Glitchtrap have been calling you and talking to you any chance they had. They knew what they were doing, yet they didn't know what you've been doing.

You noticed that you heal much quicker now than you did before. Although, that cut on your face, that stayed. It didn't heal. It must be something that makes it to where the whole body heals a part from the face. You just kept the mask on except for when you slept or showered.

That healing thing helps with a part of your plan. Vanny and Glitchtrap trust that you do kill your victims. Along with getting rid of any evidence left behind. But really, you just quietly get the children out, fighting the urge that has been implanted into you. You get them all the way out of the Pizzaplex and make sure they get far enough away. That whole time when this happens, you are always on the lookout for Vanny or Glitchtrap.

You also go to the security room, piecing together any information that you possibly could. You needed to know how to get rid of this. It'll end up making it impossible to love the celestial beings. It's just going to hurt you and them. You don't want that. You love them too much to even think about killing them.

Sun and Moon still aren't aware of your situation. They can't know, at least... not yet.

You're cleaning up the daycare with Sun when the daycare doors open.

"Y/N, go to my office when you can," Diana said. Weirdly enough, you felt that strange feeling in your head when she entered the room. But that only happens when... oh shit.

"Oh, I'll be there soon," you said as you temporarily stopped cleaning. You watched as she gave a nod in understanding and then walked away. Then, you went back to cleaning. Your head is going back to normal as she gets farther away.

Did they... corrupt her? That can't be... the feeling she gave you was as strong as Vanny's is. Yet, she's most likely been corrupted for a lesser time than you have.

Glitchtrap is making this process quicker... he must already think you've fully submitted to his rein.

You need to get out of this curse you've put yourself in. And quick, because you're not sure how much longer you can hold it back...

I liked this chapter, and I actually thought about Diana being "corrupt" while on the bus to school.

Heh, anyway, go and have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

868 Words

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