-Chapter Fifteen-

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TW: Violence

You follow after Vanessa, which you now know as Vanny. She leads you down into a darker part of the Pizzaplex. It made you feel off.

"Here we are. Now first, wear this. Don't worry, I'll wash out the blood after," she said as she handed you a suit that looked similar to that of a lamb.

You put it on and were surprised by how well it fit. She handed you a knife, which made you feel... happy. You smile under the suit that already had an implemented grin. You went inside and saw a child.

You froze. You knew this child. What was his name... Danny? Yes, that's his name. You look at the knife in your hand, then back at the child. A small laugh emits from you.

"Please...please don't hurt me..." he begged. You ignored him, walking closer.

"I was going to make this painless, but since you begged to not be hurt...well..." you laughed as you stared into his eyes. You then gripped his wrist, bringing the knife closer. The blade was placed on the skin, and you slowly slid it back and forth applying pressure.

The screams that filled the room, filled you with...joy. Tears poured down the kid's face. You laughed in a psychotic way. Danny stared at you the entire time, begging for mercy from you. Instead, you only increased the pain.

His small hand fell to the ground, blood seeping out. You then stabbed the knife right into his forearm, sliding the knife downward and cutting his arm in half. The blood that oozed out was a beautiful crimson red.

Then, you just lost it. Lost it all.

You retracted the knife and stabbed. Over. And over. And over. All over his legs, arms, and chest. He's still alive, feeling it all. He is a strong child. Then you stabbed his throat, and soon enough... it was all quiet.

You stepped back looking at what you've done. You laughed. This feeling was... amazing!

"You done in there?" Vanessa asked as she peered in. "Oh god... you did a great job with your first victim!"

You stared at her. She couldn't see it, but your grin was gone. The laughter faded away. It was now a deathly silence, that filled the room.

You took off your suit, getting a firm grip on your knife again. You took a step toward her. She backed away, grabbing a knife from her pocket.

"Hey hey... you look up me to remember? You followed a similar route to mine..." Vanessa pointed the knife at you. "I'm not afraid to use this on you!"

"Then do it," you said, testing her.

She then ran toward you and the two of you had a knife fight. She ended up slicing a part of your face, that'll leave a scar. You grew madder as the blood dripped down the cut. You swung the knife into her arm and sliced her arm. As she reeled away in pain, you took this chance to leave. You securely placed your knife in your pocket, then you went to a bathroom.

You looked in a mirror and saw the cut. You then looked around for a med kit. Once found, it was placed on the sink. You searched for a sewing needle, and when you found one, you put it to your cut and stitched it up. You felt no pain from it. After it was finished with the stitches and disinfected, you looked around for something. Once you found it, you put it on. A nice greyish-black mask. It covered the cut perfectly. That made you smile.

Time to head back to the Daycare and hope Sun doesn't draw attention to it.

As you walked out of the bathroom you heard Vanessa talking to herself. "Damn... they're quite the strong one... I hope they never free themself from that spell-like thing Glitchtrap put on them."

You were confused but decided to not linger on what she meant. You walked toward the Daycare, that odd feeling in your head leaving you. Weird... it's only like that around Vanessa (Vanny) and Glitchtrap. Maybe at other times at random, but mostly around them... maybe you should look into what she said a bit.


You made it back to the Daycare. That's great, now you can see Sun again.

You see him and go to greet him, but he's mumbling to himself. You didn't intend to listen in, it just happened.

"Moon... I know! They don't have any injuries! No, I don't know where they went..." he went quiet. Just for a minute. Then he yelled out, "Moon! Shut the hell up! You aren't going to see them again since you hurt them! I don't CARE if they are healed, you still hurt them! Now shut up and leave me alone!"

You backed away, he didn't notice you were there. You reached the security desk and hid. He was mad, and that was... scary. Once you were sure he was gone and not looking your way, you scurried out of the place and into the hall. You then walked away quietly.

You snuck into a room that was filled with computers. One was already signed into. You went to it and saw it was on the main home screen. There was a file for each animatronic. You clocked on the one that was dedicated to Moon. You quickly read the information, seeing some that made you question things. His nice ai was shut off? But... it wasn't by an employee...no it had a glitch-like lock.

Glitchtrap. He must've done something.

Moon's ai was locked on an evil ai. You focused on it and then it was destroyed. You then put a fake one on, to have it seem as though the lock was still active. How the fuck did you do that?!

You closed out of Moon's ai page and looked through more. One file was all glitched out. You clicked on it. Your eyes widened... you aren't supposed to see this...

"Nobody knows of this, but I have to make this quick.

If you somehow found this. Great, keep reading.

I, Vanessa *******, made this. I've been attacked by a glitched-out rabbit. You must've too, if you see this.

I've been forced to lock Moon's coding to be evil in ways, please fix that. Now then, whether you can or not, please...get out of that glitch before it's too late.

I'm currently being used for a plan to keep this man alive. Once he gets what he wants, anyone under his control will be immediately killed as their brains will have rotted far enough to where only he kept them alive.

There's a way out, and I can't figure it out yet... please... get out of this curse... I'm unable to, as it's too late for me.

Go on. Set yourself free. Don't fulfill his wishes. Stop listening to that cursed feeling in your head. Get away from it, the longer it's around, the easier your brain will rot."

You were shocked. You wanted- no... you needed to get out of this curse. You still had time. You were going to reread it and take down notes about what happened, but footsteps were heard. You quickly closed out the file and hid away, hoping that whoever it was wouldn't know you were there.

"Lamby? Are you here?"

Woo! A long chapter that I'm very proud of!

Now, to not make this any longer, go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1270 Words

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