-Chapter Nineteen-

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You walk in the security room. You didn't even try to go in there. It just happened. You walk around and try to focus your mind on anything else. That sudden pain was back, but you forced yourself to ignore it.

You groaned in pain and scratched at your skin. It soon began to bleed slightly. You then began to mumble two words over and over. These words are: "Stop it."

Then, you walked over to the computer that you've been on before and looked through more files. And soon enough, you found things you needed. You grabbed out a notebook and began to write down the information you needed to know.

You smiled as you knew the key to escape this glitch was soon to come. Once you break free, you can't be affected by it again. You looked over what you wrote down. It was perfect. Now, all that was left was to do it. You knew it had to be quick, or else you'd become like the other two.

Right as you began to do what you needed, the pain grew more. You pushed it back and continued. Slowly, yet surely, the pain went away. A familiar pain in your covered eye came back. As fast as it showed, it left.

You went over to the computer and activated the camera feature. You then looked at your eye, moving the hair out of the way. The purple... was gone...

Finally. Now, you began to wonder... could you still see what you saw before?

The answer? Yes. You could. You went to the computer and saw the glitched out file. The fake lock you put on Moon's coding was still there, and you could see it.

You felt the backlash of ridding yourself from Glitchtrap's control. You nearly fell backward. The desk in front of you was able to catch you before you completely fell down. And once you regained your composure, you stood up and made sure you could walk around without falling or stumbling over your own feet.

You then made sure that no one was around and went back to the daycare. You soon got to the door and went inside. Sun and Gregory were talking and having a decent conversation.

"I'm back," you said as you got closer to them.

"Y/N!" Sun cheered happily. He stood up and spun you around in circles, making you dizzy.

"Sun... put me down..." you said, feeling a little sickly after a little bit. He then quickly stopped spinning and put you down.

"Y/N, where did you go?" Gregory asked, catching your attention.

"I just needed to calm myself down, so I took a walk around," you answered. It was partially a lie. You did need to calm down, but you just didn't walk around the place.

He nodded in understanding. Then, he wanted to go and play around the place. Both you and Sun agreed and even played with him at times.

Soon enough, you all heard knocking on the door. Sun heard and ushered Gregory into a hiding spot. You went to the door and opened it. Vanessa then tightly gripped your shoulders, and anger filled her eyes.

"What. The. Fuck. Happened."

What does Vanessa mean by that? You'll find out.

Now then, go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

561 Words

-The Pain Is Addicting- -Sun/Moon x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now