-Chapter Three-

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"Listen here," Moon began. "I don't appreciate being talked to in that tone you did."

He applied more pressure. You assumed it was so that you'd begin to cry, making you never come back. "Well, I don't appreciate being tackled to the ground."

"What did I just say?" Moon said slowly clenching his fingers that were on your shoulders.

"I dunno... why don't you say it again?" you gave a small quick smirk before it was wiped off your face by a small, very faint, groan. Moon must've not heard as he just stared at you.

He then removed his hands away from you and stood up straight. He waited for you to also stand. With the pain in your shoulders, it took a little bit longer than it should've normally taken to get up.

"You are quite...different than the others I've met," you heard the moon man say. You figured he's met other employees since he is part security bot. Meaning he's allowed to roam around, but that brings the question. Can Sun do that too?

"How so?" you stared into his eyes, having nearly no emotion shown through yours.

"Well, first, you entered the damn daycare with the lights off. I don't care if you were told not to or not, as most don't listen anyway, but with the rumors about me," he said.

"Rumors? I've been working here for a while and there weren't no rumors about you," you told him. Even if there were, it's not like they have proof of existence. And that's coming from someone who loves to hear the drama.

"Hm..." he began to enter his thoughts. Then he suddenly mumbled, "Sun, shut the fuck up. I'm not going to kill them."

Moon thought you didn't hear as you gave no reaction. But you did. You weren't scared though. If you die, you die. Death wasn't something you wanted, but it still happened. And considering no one would notice if you went missing, death didn't scare you. Instead, it intrigued you.

"So if you said first, then is there a second reason?" you brought his attention out of his mind.

With a nod, he began, "Second, you haven't run away screaming from me."

"Why would I?" he stared at you as if you were joking. You weren't.

"I attacked you. Your shoulders are still bleeding from it!" he said fairly loudly.

You looked at your shoulder. It was still bleeding. You shrugged and looked at Moon again. "So?"

"Are you not scared of me?" he said confused.

"Nope, I don't see a fair reason to," you said with another shrug. "Yeah, you hurt me, but I'm not going to hate you for it."

Moon was silent. Seemingly shocked by your response. "You are the first person to not hate me... maybe it won't be too bad to see you here."

With a smile, you walked up to him and hugged him. He was confused at first, but still returned it. "So, uh... would you help me with my shoulders?"

A small laugh emitted from the moon. "Sure, Y/N."

"Wait. How the fuck do you know my name?" you asked pulling away from the hug slightly.

He pulled back toward him, "I heard it mentioned, and I can detect things like that with a quick scan."

"Of course," you said with a brief eye-roll.

Suddenly, you felt your feet leave the ground. You panicked and wrapped them around Moon.

"Let me wrap up your shoulders, then, depending on if you stay or not, I'll either let Sun fully meet you or let you just head on home," Moon said once he began to gracefully move across the air.

I lost a bit of motivation around halfway through the chapter. But whatever.

Now then, please go and have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

646 Words

-The Pain Is Addicting- -Sun/Moon x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now