-Chapter Four-

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Your eyes squinted shut as soon as Moon turned on the lights. After only a few seconds, you reopened your eyes and saw a figure resembling the sun. In other words, you saw Sun.

He was staring at you, amazement filling his eyes. "Wow! You look so pretty/handsome!"

"Thank you, Sun," you said with a blush on your face. It was a blush of embarrassment. Nobody compliments you, so hearing them embarrasses you, especially since you have no idea how to take them.

"Are you staying all night?" you heard him ask you.

"Well, it is a part of my job... so yeah I guess," you gave a shy-type smile.

"Yippee! I'm so happy!" Sun cheered. You tried to hold back a laugh. You've barely met him, and you already know he's gonna be a hand full.


"Hey, Sun!" you yelled for him. When you saw his head pop out from one of the play structures you continued, "Could you tell Mo-"

"Buh Bye! See you Tomorrow, Y/N!" Sun interrupted you. You sent him a brief frown.

You turned around and walked out of the Daycare. Once the doors closed, you ran your hands along your face. Every time you wanted to mention Moon, Sun interrupted you. Why did he hate Moon so much? And if he didn't hate him, then why not talk about him?

You were met by Diana standing by the entrance. She seemed surprised to see you walking and in her presence.

"You're alive? Did you even go to the Daycare?" she asked you.

"Yeah, why is it surprising?" you asked her. A hand moved to your hip.

"I'm surprised Moon didn't kill you. Wait..." she paused. "Did you enter the actual Daycare?"

"Uh, Yeah," her eyes widened even more. She did a quick check around you and was surprised to find you had no broken limbs.

She let out a small laugh of disbelief. "Damn. Moon must've taken a liking to you."


"Well, he normally kills the employees that go there, and if not then-" she looked you in the eyes as she aggressively grabbed your shoulders. "You aren't leaving, right?! Most leave right after if they don't die! Oh please don't leave!"

"Diana, I'm not leaving. Don't worry your head about it," you told her.

"Really!? Oh God, thank you," she sighed in relief.

"Yeah, now can I head home now?" you asked her as a yawn escaped your lips.


Short chapter, I know. I'll try to make longer ones, but this is good enough right?

Anyways, go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

440 Words

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