-Chapter Nine-

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You groan a little bit as you sit up. You rubbed your eyes and tried to fully wake up.

When that action was done, you noticed that the lights seemed to be on. The sound of children laughing was heard. You got out of Moon's bed and walked to the balcony. You peered over just enough to see children playing tag with Sun.

You moved backward and tried to find any spare Daycare uniform for you to wear. Your eyes caught onto something. You pulled it out and saw it was a uniform. Surprisingly, it was in your size. With quick, swift movements, you were able to put on your uniform. You then walked back to the balcony and tried to get someone's attention.

Yelling wouldn't work, they were all too far away and loud. You considered jumping into the ball pit but decided that, from this height, you'll either break a few bones or die. And not dying was something on your day-to-day to-do list. With no other option, you sat down on the edge and dangled your legs.

Suddenly, the dream from before came to your mind. You nearly went to stand back up and walk back inside the room, but you felt someone place their hands on your shoulders. And it wasn't Sun. He was trying to tag a kid.

With a slow turn, you look at who was behind you. It hurt your eyes to even look at them. But from what you barely saw, it looked to be a bunny suit. Not an animatronic, more so a human in a bunny outfit. The color wasn't clear, as, mentioned before, it hurt to look. You didn't stare long as it began to feel like your eyes were being ripped out of your face.

You squinted your eyes shut. Although, the hands never left you. Well, they did. But that was only after you looked away.

Your mind took a small minute to process it all.

You were falling. It wasn't like the dream you had but in both, you fell from that balcony. The kids were screaming. Not in a playful manner, but in a fearful manner.

You soon noticed the bunny was gone. It couldn't have left... there was barely any way to get up there. Wait... how were they up there in the first place?

The fall felt like it was taking forever, but to those around, it was almost instant. You landed in the ball pit. However, it wasn't what you thought it would be like. You didn't break a bone, but that might have been from the angle at which you fell from. But you didn't die either. Instead, when you had landed, the impact stunned you.

Things after that weren't quite clear. It hurt to remember it all. Your vision was blurry and things were simple blobs of color. Although, one thing was clear...

That odd bunny was waving at you...

From. The. Fucking. Roof.

It's a bit shorter than normal, but that's fine.

With not much to say, I hope you have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

525 Words

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