-Chapter Eight-

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I look around and notice the world I'm in. This looks like the daycare, but... it's all in ruin. I see you were in Moon's bed, but it was on its last leg. Literally on its last leg.

I try to get up slowly but failed. The bed broke out and fell fully. I nearly screamed at the sudden movement. Shakily, I stood and brushed off the dust that had gotten onto my body from the bed.

Using the wall as support, I carefully took step after step. I wanted to make sure that the floor wouldn't collapse underneath me.

As I walked, I remembered that Moon wasn't there. Sun wasn't either. You got to the balcony and looked down. The ball pit should've been filled with colorful plastic balls, but it was empty.

I was about to step back into the room I awoke in, so I could go back to sleep, but I felt something wrap its hands around my waist. The feeling seemed... familiar. I turned my head and saw Moon.

"Moon, what happened?" I spoke to him in what felt like a whisper.

He didn't speak and instead pushed me closer to the edge. His eyes had no expression in them. And none showed as he pushed me off the balcony into the empty ball pit.



With a startle, you shot upwards. Your breathing picked up and things began to blur. You felt someone gently grab you. They pulled you close to themself.

"Calm down, Starlight," the person said. Then, it clicked. This was Moon. You blinked aggressively, trying to remove the blurriness.

The room looked normal. It wasn't torn, it was nice. You looked at Moon who stared at you with worry.

"Y/N, does this happen often?" Moon asked you as the music from before still played.

"No... typically only when I'm nervous," you answered. You hoped he wouldn't assume you were scared of him. Because you weren't.

"Why's that?" he asked, his voice getting quieter. It made you calm, nearly getting you tired again.

"I'm just not used to being here," you answered. It was a half lie. You were nervous about sleeping on the job. You were getting paid to do nightguard shit, and sleeping wasn't one of those things.

"Hm..." he seemed to believe you, but, at the same time, he didn't. "Do you think you could sleep?"

"Maybe?" you said to him. He began to move you off of him since you were calmed down enough. However, you clung to him. A small laugh was emitted from him. He patted your head and decided that he'll let you stay on his lap to sleep.

A sudden heat was produced from his body. You looked up at him with confusion. "Both Sun and I have built-in heating sensors, which help calm down children," he answered the nonverbal question.

You then snuggled into Moon some more. The warmth was similar to that of a warm fire on a cold night. The room had cold air blowing in.

When he placed his arms around you, you slowly fell asleep again. The warmth and music made it comfortable again. The nervousness you didn't know you had at first, was now gone, and you could peacefully sleep until morning. Or until your body just says, "No more sleep! Get your ass UP!"

Was having the dream world in first person good? I feel like it wasn't.

And, if I decide to keep it that way, then the first person will be the dream world.

Nywayz... go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

604 Words

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