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Hihi, call me ariah or ria, this is my first fanfic but ive read a lot so im sure i can do it 😭
i was debating on whether i should make this angst or not and ive decided that i will not make you guys suffer, little to no angst (unless i change my mind) although if you kavetham shippers want angst i will try my best to add it.

uhm alhaitham is in denial. kaveh wears lipstick. i wanna try making this a slowburn. also there might be some smut.
(i might change some of these things)

cover photo is from hailailai2 on twitter.

Plot: im trying to make this as close to the storyline as in genshin so everything will pretty much be the same; theyre roommates, they always argue, and of course same personalities
alhaithams a bit softer here though

if you see this font it means the character is thinking

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