Chapter 15

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Alhaitham woke up due to a major headache, his head was hurting like hell.
Shit. Thats what i get for drinking so much

He noticed he was in his own bed, in his pajamas, but he didn't remember changing or getting in bed. Only one person couldve done it. Kaveh. When the thought of kaveh came into his head, memories from last night also started to flow in.

It was embarrassing. Crying in front of his roommate? So fucking embarrassing.

But at the same time he felt relieved. Kaveh said he wasnt leaving him.

He heard some noises coming from the kitchen, so he knew kaveh was there. He looked at the clock in his room to see what time it was. It was 12.
He got up from his bed before going to his drawer taking some clothes to change into.

When he finished picking out clothes he headed to the bathroom. He needed to take a shower since he could smell the alcohol coming from himself. He knew kaveh was too weak to bathe him, but it didnt matter, he changed him and got him to his bed anyways.

25 Minutes Later

Alhaitham had just gotten out of the shower and changed, his hair still slightly damp.

He walked out of the bathroom heading for the kitchen, he could smell bacon and eggs. He peaked his head in to see kaveh making two plates of breakfast.

He knew it was too late for breakfast, but he would eat whatever kaveh made for him.

He walked quietly behind kaveh making sure the other didnt hear him. As soon as he was a few inches behind him he wrapped both his arms around his waist and resting his head on his shoulder.

The surprise caught kaveh off guard causing him to jump a bit. When he realized it was alhaitham his face turned pink.

"Haitham, did you just finish showering? You smell nice."

"Mhm. Not as nice as you though."
Alhaitham mumbled as he buried his face deeper into kavehs shoulder taking in kavehs sweet scent.

"You should go sit down, i made breakfast."

Alhaitham didnt move an inch.

"Id rather stay like this."

Kaveh didnt know what to do.

"I cant move when your clinging to me like this haitham."

Alhaitham didnt move for another few seconds before sighing and letting go of kavehs waist and lifting his head.

"Okay. Fine."

Alhaitham heading to the small dining table and sitting down, grabbing a book while waiting.

Finally kaveh brought to plates to the table and placed on in front of alhaitham and one in front of the empty seat.

He sat down opposite to alhaitham and started to eat, so did the sage.

It was silent for a few minutes before kaveh broke the silence.

"Haitham? Can i ask you something?"

Alhaitham was curious.

"Youre not- not playing with my feelings or anything right?"

The silver haired was confused.
"What do you mean?"

Kaveh felt like he had embarrassed himself.

"N-nevermind. Forget about it."

Alhaitham smiled before putting down his fork and leaning in closer.

"I would never play with your feelings."

Kaveh blushed.
"Oh. Good to know."

Alhaitham gave him another soft smile before going back to eating.

"Do you have work today?" Kaveh asked.  "I want to take you somewhere."

"I can skip a day its fine."

The blonde nodded.
"Then after we eat, we can go."


After they both finished eating kaveh went in his room to change, leaving alhaitham to do the dishes.

Alhaitham was almost done with the dishes when he heard the bedroom door open ans kaveh coming out.

He was wearing a white shirt, except it was more on the revealing side, the neckline was a v shaped but it was a big one. it was the same on the back too.

Alhaitham blushed, trying not to make him uncomfortable by staring. So he hurried to finished his last dish.

By the time he had finished kaveh was already putting on his shoes and vision, ready to leave.

He hurried over to do the same.

As soon as alhaitham finished putting on his shoes and grabbing his vision and coat. kaveh opened the door letting him out first before following behind him.

The scribe waited for kaveh to catch up before asking.
"Where are we going?"

"You'll see just follow me."

They had been walking for a few minutes now before entering the crowded part if the city, there were shops and restaurants everywhere.

"We're going shopping?"
Alhaitham couldnt help but ask.


He went back to being silent again, following kaveh.

Before he knew it they were walking up a hill, it looked like this hill had no end, he couldnt see where it ended even if he squinted his eyes.

After what felt like an eternity they reached the top.
As soon as kaveh reach the tip of the hill, he sat down, tired. They had been walking for a while now, he knew alhaitham had to be tired as-well.

He looked back to see alhaitham looking around, trying to comprehend where they were or why they were there.

Kaveh gave a soft laugh before patting the spot next to him.
"Sit, Haitham."

Alhaitham was a bit skeptical but walked closer and dropped down next to the blond.

He looked down, they were so high up. He could see all of sumeru, and the crows of people.

"How did you find this place?"
he questioned the blonde.

"This is where i fell asleep the other day. Dont know how i found it, i just kept walking."

"You fell asleep? Here? Isnt it cold?"

Kaveh chuckled. "It wasnt cold at the time but now is a different story."

"Why did you bring me up here?"
Alhaitham curious.

"Isnt it beautiful here?"

"I guess."

"Haitham, we can stay here for a bit and go back down, alright?"

Alhaitham nodded.

They stayed up there for a while, talking about random things, looking at the beautiful sky, beautiful city.

Out of nowhere he heard kaveh shiver.
"F-feels like the wind is creeping in from the back of my shirt...and also the front."

Alhaitham couldnt help but laugh a bit.

"Its getting cold you say? I feel fine."

"Idiot thats because you brought a coat with you, if i had know i wouldve brought-"

His sentence got cut off by alhaitham placing his coat over kavehs shoulders.

"Stop complaining."

Kaveh was surprised.

"But dont you feel cold?"

"im fine, as long as you are okay."
alhaitham mumbled.

"Thank you."

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now