Chapter 18

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Kaveh hates this. How could he just stop knowing he was chasing his release and was close?

He gasped.

"Please..please put them back inside, i- i was so close-"

his begs were cut off with a chuckle.

he couldn't believe it! alhaitham wasnt taking him seriously at all!

the sage suddenly used his other hand to cup his flushed cheeks.

"Be patient for me, will you?"

oh god. he looked so handsome under him.

kaveh nodded.

"good boy. do you still want to be on top?"

he didnt know. he just knew it didnt matter as long was alhaitham was inside him he would be happy.

he nodded once again and lifted himself to hover over alhaitham.

alhaitham gave him a sly grin as he reached down to his dick, lifting it, positioning it under kaveh.

kaveh knew exactly what to do.

he pushed himself down on the head of his cock slowly.

he wanted this.

he relaxed his legs letting himself fall down on alhaithams cock, now fully inside him.

he couldnt help but let out a lewd moan. god he had missed this feeling.

he squirmed, trying to get more of the pleasure.

"Kaveh, are you just gonna sit on my cock like that forever?"

"S-shut up.."

he placed his arms on alhaithams shoulder trying his best to lift himself, but his legs felt too weak.

he tried again in hopes of getting a bit higher this time, but no, he slid right back down.

he felt so embarrassed.

alhaitham on the other hand, laid back, relaxed, pleased looking at kaveh struggle to ride him, although he had been begging for this.

"h-help me ..h-haitham-"

the scribed chuckled.

he grabbed kavehs waist lifting it lifting it up until only his tip was inside kaveh.

not letting kaveh adjust to the feeling he let go of him, letting him drop down, his dick spearing him.

the scribe grunted as he felt kaveh tighten around him.

a long moan ripped out from his throat, but from the sudden drop.

before he knew it he had cummed, all over alhaithams face.

alhaithams face was filled with shock, he knew kaveh was close but didnt know he would cum from something like that, not to mention all over his face!

Kaveh had fallen on alhaithams chest, by the exhaustion, his face buried into alhaithams chest and his arms on his shoulders, alhaithams cock still inside him.

he was trying to catch his breath, he hadnt noticed what he had done yet.

after a few moments kaveh finally gained the energy to lift his head.

what he saw was a shock, alhaitham looking at him, patient with semen all over his face.

kaveh gasped.

"Im sorry- ill go get some papers...i-i didnt mean to-"

the blonde struggle to lift himself, but he was so extremely embarrassed he ignored the numbness in his legs and managed to lift himself from alhaithams dick. well close. he wouldve succeeded if alhaitham didnt grab his slim waist and pull him back down, another moan ripping from his throat.

"No need, just wipe it with your hands, will you?"

kaveh lifted his trembling hands from alhaithams shoulder to his face, scooping his own semen from his face, he made sure there wasnt a drop left.

when he had collected all of it he was going to wipe it on the sheets but before he could, to his surprise alhaitham stuck out his tongue.

the blonde was confused at first but understand what he wanted.

he slowly slid his fingers, dripping with semen, into alhaithams mouth. as soon as he placed his fingers into his mouth the sage started sucking.

he could hear small grunts as he was sucking on his fingers.

it felt like forever when alhaitham finally opened his mouth allowing kaveh to take him fingers out.

"you taste so sweet."

he didnt know how to reply.

before he could even think of a reply alhaitham was suddenly now on top of him as kaveh was now under him.

not giving kaveh time to adjust to the new postion he thrusted himself with full force into kaveh, leading him to gasp.

"w-wait! i already came!"

"and i havent."

kavehs words were cut off with another moan as he thrusted himself deeper this time.

he was moving his hips like crazy. one thrust after another.

with every thrust kaveh could feel pleasure rush up through his entire body, filling it with this tingly feeling. it made his body want more.

moans and grunts filled the room, so loud their neighbors could probably hear.

kavehs gasps were followed by moans and whimpers.

he felt his visions go white and his mind go blank.

alhaitham was breaking him.

"Im close."
alhaitham grunted.

his thrusts became faster, which kaveh didnt even know was possible since he thought this was already fast enough.

"s-slow- nghh~ do..wn.."

he did slow down alright. only because he was at his limit.

kaveh came to the feeling of alhaithams semen flowing inside him. it was warm.

alhaitham kept thrusting himself, as if he was trying to push the liquid further inside kaveh.

the blondes eyes rolled back from the overstimulation to lost to say anything.

when alhaitham finally came to a halt he fell right on top of kaveh.

alhaitham slowly pulled out, cum dripping from the wet hole.

he rolled over next to kaveh, turning his head slightly to look at him, exhausted.

they were both huffing heavily and catching their breaths.

"Kaveh. Be my boyfriend."


next and FINAL chapter in 5-6 days!

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