Chapter 17

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"What is it exactly you want to do?"
Alhaitham asked. He knew exactly what kaveh meant but he wanted to tease him a bit.

Kaveh lets out a soft whine.
"You know what i mean- stop teasing me!"

The sage gave him a smirk before harshly pushing his ass down on alhaitham boner.

By surprise, the blonde let out a lewd yelp.

Alhaitham didnt give him time to say anything before moving his hands lower to his ass, caressing it in a circular motion.

kaveh whined. honestly kaveh wasnt sure what he wanted anymore, perhaps what he wanted was for alhaitham to fuck him already.

kaveh could already feel how painfully hard alhaitham was, it was turning him on aswell, especially when alhaitham is pushing him down on his bulge.

kaveh was lost in thought until his roommate suddenly moved his ass in a steady motion around his bulge, making the blonde grind on his dick.

whimpers were heard from the blonde.

"please...please haitham...just fuck me already, ill be good, i promise... just fuck me.."

he was on the verge of tears, he was so overly desperate.

the scribe chuckled at kavehs desperation, acting as if he wasnt rock hard under him.

he wanted kaveh to beg more, but he isnt that evil of course.

he slid his hands around the band of kavehs sweatpants, before slowly sliding them down, revealing kavehs boxer, which of course was already dripping wet.

"kaveh, youre so desperate, arent you?"

kaveh whined.

the blonde placed his left hand around his boxers, sliding them off, his right supporting himself to hover over alhaitham.

as soon as his boxers came off his hard cock sprung free, precum dripping out of his slit.

he dropped down on alhaithams bulge in desperation.

"haitham...take off your pants...please."
he whined as he grinded on the sage's bulge.

he felt like he could cum by just grinding on him.

alhaitham chuckled.
"you know, you need to get off me for me to be able to do that."

kaveh frowned but not obeyed.

as soon as kaveh got off him and sat on the edge of the bed waiting, alhaitham also sliding off his pants and boxers, him also being rock hard.

when he looked back at kaveh he was squirming. alhaitham could tell he was trying not touch himself, squeezing his thighs together.

before the blonde new it he was back on top of alhaithams bulge, this time with nothing between them.

kaveh is so desperate.
desperate to the point where he tried to quickly slide alhaithams cock inside of him, he would've succeeded if the sage didnt stop him.

"ah ah, not so fast, i have to prepare you first"

alhaitham moved his hand to kavehs cock, dripping wet. he uses 2 fingers to gather all the precum to use as lube.

he smeared the blondes precum all over his too finger, making sure they were covered.

he looked up at his roommate who was patiently waiting, he couldnt help but gave him a teasing grin.

he placed one finger on the rim of kavehs hole, moving it in a circular motion.

he could here kaveh let out soft whimpers in desperation, wanting more.

was all here needed to hear for him to shove his finger in.
a moan can be heard from kaveh as he pushed down lower on alhaithams finger.
"one- one more...finger"

he wanted to make sure he wasnt hurting kaveh before he started moving his finger, let alone add 2.

but by the way kaveh was grinding down further on his finger, he seemed like he could take it.

alhaitham pushed kaveh up slightly to make room to slide in another finger.

kaveh was still it bit loose from the other night so 2 fingers was nothing.

he thrusted his long and slim finger in and out, earning lewd moans from kaveh.

he honestly thought kaveh would be tight but he thought wrong, his fingers slid easily inside him.

his speed was gradually increasing as kaveh let out more moans and whimpers.

kaveh felt like the whole world could hear them by how load he was but he couldnt stop it, the noises he was making just came out by themselves.

he felt himself getting close. but it was so embarrassing cumming from just some fingering?

alhaitham could tell he was getting close so he sped up his motion, now fingering kaveh the fastest he can.

kaveh didnt even care about embarrassment anymore, he just wanted to cum.

he tried his best to move his hips to the rhythm of alhaithams thrust but his legs were too weak at this point all he could do was moan. moan like a whore.

as soon as kaveh was getting closer he grabbed onto alhaithams thigh and leaned back.

he was ready to release, but no.

as soon as alhaitham reached his peak speed he came to a halt, stopping completely, the pleasure leaving kavehs body.

kaveh whined in confusion.

"Okay thats good, i dont want you to cum from just my fingers."


Authors Note: this was posted right after i finished writing, i did not get to proof read or anything so uhh ignore the mistakes. also this is kinda rushed.
next chapter in 4 days.

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