Chapter 2

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Alhaitham woke up to the sun shining directly in his face. It took him a while adjusting himself before opening his eyes. He groans as he rolls around his bed not wanting to get up. He still had so much work to finish.

After laying in bed for another 20 minutes, he finally gains the strength to sit up, grabbing the bottle of water on his nightstand when he noticed a small note next to the bottle. He was confused but put the bottle down and grabbed the note instead.

Im leaving my keys in the living room. I don't want to lose them. -Kaveh

He smiled at the note, not being able to laugh because he lacked the energy. he was glad that Kaveh realized how shitty he was at keeping track of his things.

But wait.. he entered my room while i was sleeping?

Alhaitham was truly embarrassed, when a person is sleeping they are vulnerable. Kaveh probably found it funny. What if he did something while i was asleep? like draw on my face or steal something?

He shook his head and chuckled at himself "no he wouldnt do that."

Now that kaveh was gone he didnt have to wear his soundproof earpieces at home anymore, he always got home 2 hours before alhaitham did so when he got home he was always greeted with hammering noises or just him mumbling about his projects for hours.

He got up from bed, walked towards his dresser grabbed a sleeveless turtleneck shirt and black pants and walked to the bathroom. Still sleepy and lazy he decided to shower later when he got home so he didnt have to now.

He was genuinely still not fully awake while he was changing.

What really woke him up though was when we went to brush his teeth, he took a quick glance of himself in the mirror and he noticed something.

a fucking dick drawn on his face!

so kaveh really did do something other than place a note when he came in.

Alhaitham was fuming. But he couldnt take it out on anyone since there was no one home. He decided to just confront him when he got home, plus even if kaveh was home, yelling at him would make him incredibly late.

He started wiping it off to realized it wasnt a marker or crayon. It was lipstick. He knew kaveh always wore lipstick but he didnt expect him to use it to draw on his face.

thats disgusting, he already put it on his lips and now he put it on my face?

alhaitham didnt have time to contemplate so he just wiped it off, before brushing his teeth.

he didnt have anytime to eat breakfast, but it didnt matter he never ate breakfast anyways. he would always eat when he came home, unless he was exhausted that day.

the sage grabbed his coat and vision and left for the Akademiya.


The walk to the akademiya isnt that far. but today he walks a lot slower than usual. he most certainly did not want to go to work.

He decided he would try to get all his work done for the week and relax until Kaveh came home, since he wouldnt be able to with him at home.

He couldve sworn his mind shifted to think about Kaveh and about if he was alright or not for a second.

He finally arrived at the Akedemia. As he enters he could feel all eyes on him. It was nothing new since after all, he was the acting grand sage. He took the elevator up to his office and sat down. There were 3 piles of work in front of him, but it didnt matter, he said he was going to finish all the work today and he will.

He didnt care to worry about kaveh because he knew tighnari is taking care of him well, maybe cyno too.

Tighnari and Cyno have the best relationship in his eyes; they joke with each other, barely argue, and although cyno works in the desert he still visits tighnari often.

hah what am i kidding theyre probably shit talking me while playing cards right now!

if they were, it definitely wouldnt be the first time

Its been 3 hours and hes just reached the halfway mark. Just then he heard a knock on his door, truthfully it startled him.

"you may enter."

It was The General Mahamatra. Of course he didnt need to be so formal since they were friends.

Alhaitham sighed. "Cyno."
"Come in."

Cyno waved and closed the door behind him and sat down.

"What can i help you with?" the sage questioned

not but really. what did he need?

"i had free time to spare so i just wanted to stop by."
cyno continued "i was actually just with tighnari and kaveh an hour ago."

so he was safe. good. wha- what am i thinking about? i dont care about him! he can take care of himself!

"alhaitham?" he snapped back into his current state


"is everything alright? you looked like you spaced out for a moment there."

alhaitham shook his head
"no everything is fine i just have a lot of work left to do"

"ah i can assist you, ive got extra time before i head out on my next mission"

the silver haired was truly happy with the offer but he didnt want to trouble cyno.

"im okay thank you."

"i insist"

oh fuck alright

"alright then you can just do whatever work you want, thank you, truly."

cyno just nodded and took a stack of paper and began working.


just an hour later both of them finally finished.

cyno seemed to still be intact and fine, while alhaitham on the other hand was fatigued.

"Thank you for your help General."

cyno chuckled
"no need to be so formal you can call me cyno we are friends."

alhaitham nodded

"i should be heading off now, goodnight"

alhaitham simply just said thank you again and waved.

Now that him and cyno finished all the work there was to be done, he didnt have to come into the office for the next week. He was frankly happy. He was craving a hot shower right now so he got up and left the office right away and headed home.


Authors Note: i apologize this chapter had no kavetham
there will def be kavetham in the next one hehe💅

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