Chapter 8

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Authors Note: uhm smut warning and enjoy.

Kaveh had woken up. I mean how could he not have? Alhaitham was kissing him so aggressively!

"MMPH" kaveh tried to say something but he couldnt because alhaitham was pushing his tongue deeper in his mouth.

he couldnt breathe. He gripped alhaitham arms tightly , struggling to catch his breath.

Alhaitham felt the grip on his arms and realized what he was doing, he let go of his face, broke the kiss, and go off the bed.

Both of them were a blushing mess at this point.

"i-im sorry, ill leave now."
alhaitham could only murmur and started walking away from kaveh.

kaveh didnt want him to leave. although his kissing was aggressive felt good.

as alhaitham was about to leave he felt a hand grab his wrist.

"please stay..."

he was surprised
he didnt think twice before shutting off the lights and shutting the door.

he grabbed kavehs wrists and pull him back to the bed and gently pushed him on the bed.

he turned on the lamp on the bedside table.

the room was dim now.

when he looked back at kaveh his right arm was over his forehead while his left was on his stomach. he was just staring at alhaitham.

"you look so pretty right now."

kaveh blushed.

before he could say anything alhaitham crawled on top of him and kissed him. more gently this time.

this time kaveh was the one who had his hands on alhaithams cheeks.

he didnt tell alhaitham this but he stole his first kiss. he wanted to save his first kiss for someone he desired. which was alhaitham. so i didnt matter.

it felt so good kaveh didnt even notice alhaitham unbuttoning his shirt. he only then noticed when he felt a cold hand on his chest, it shocked him.

he broke the kiss.


"you dont want to?"
alhaitham said with a frown.

"n-no i do i..i just was surprised."

"then relax."

kaveh fell back and let alhaitham do this thing.

alhaitham was focused on kissing his roommate but at the same time he was letting his hands roam freely around kavehs body. he felt around before he felt his nipple. he couldnt help but play with it.

the sudden feeling caused kaveh to whimper.
alhaitham was turned on and wanted more. so much more.

he broke the kiss and moved his face lower. he opened his mouth and licked kavehs nipple. no warning or anything. this time kaveh didnt whimper. he let out a loud moan instead.

"a-a little warning next time would be nice."
he said sarcastically

alhaitham just ignored him.

he circled his tongue around his right nipple while playing with the other one. he could hear kavehs gasps.

he started placing gentle kisses along his stomach all the way down to his v-line.

kaveh was wearing pajamas so it was easy to just slide his pants off.

when he pulled off kavehs pants he had noticed kaveh was already covered in precum down there, it was leaking through bis boxers.

"my my, youre so wet already."

kaveh didnt reply. he was covering his face with his arms.

he pulled down his boxers letting the blondes dick fling free. he was already hard aswell. that would be easier for alhaitham anyways.

before kaveh could uncover his face he felt a warm sensation on his dick.

he took his arms off his face to see alhaitham.
alhaitham with his lips around his dick.

kaveh didnt even get to say anything before alhaitham swirled his tongue around the tip, causing kaveh to leak more precum than he did before. he could feel alhaitham grin around his dick.

he couldnt help but let out soft moans and whimpers, they were music to alhaithams ears.

"h-haitham..please slow dow- NGHH~~"
kaveh got cut off when alhaitham pushed his head all the way down. kavehs tip touching the back of his throat.

alhaitham slid back up and immediately pushed his head back down again.

kaveh at this point couldnt control his voice anymore. he let out loud moans to the rhythm of alhaitham going up and down on his leaking cock.

alhaitham could feel kaveh grip his hair out of pleasure. his hands were trembling. it only made him want to move faster.

and thats what he did. he moved his head in a more faster rate. it felt so good hearing kaveh moan and whimper. he could even here him moan his name every few seconds.

the grip on his head the point where it became painful.
alhaitham took his mouth off of kavehs cock and stared at him.
"w-why did you stop?.."

"youre hurting me."

" sorry."
kaveh mumbled as he let go of alhaithams hair

alhaitham wasted no time and slid kaveh cock in his mouth once more.

if kaveh could feel this sensation for the rest of his life even the pleasure would be too much.

he didnt know what to do with his hands. the overwhelming pleasure made him want to hold something. but he didnt want to grab alhaithams hair and hurt him again. so he just gripped the bedsheets.

alhaitham could see kaveh struggling to hold onto the bedsheets, so he grabbed kavehs hand and let him hold it. their fingers intertwining.

kaveh was squeezing his hand so tight. not to the point it was uncomfortable or anything.

"haitham... im cumming~"

kaveh squeezed alhaithams hand tighter as alhaitham pushed his head down grimly one last time.

then he felt it. a warm liquid push down his throat. it was sweet, almost like frosting. he looked up at his roommate with his dick still inside his mouth.
he looked tired. he was so red and drooling. he wanted all of the sweet liquid to himself, so he swirled his tongue around kavehs tip a couple more times.

once he had swallowed all of the sweet liquid he slid his dick out his mouth, a small whimper coming from kaveh since his dick was sensitive and on the verge of overstimulation.

kaveh couldnt move anymore he was exhausted. he could fall asleep any moment. until he felt someone kiss his neck.

"Im not done with you yet...dont fall asleep."


next chapter in a few days❤️🤭

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