Chapter 5

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Kaveh woke up to the sun shining inside filling the entire living room with light.

He slowly opened his eyes and realized he wasnt in his bed. He was in the living room. He didnt know why or how but all he knew was that he had a major headache. His head was ringing and in pain. He had only ever gotten this pain when he drank.

Memories from last night started flowing back to him, slowly but surely. He had flushed at the thought of what happened last night, he was embarrassed, he was scared, he was feeling all types of emotions.

He knew he always liked Alhaitham, but he didnt want to admit it to himself...because him and his roommate argued every day, every minute. How could alhaitham feel the same about him? So he never made a move.
Well, until yesterday night.

He didnt want to face alhaitham, he wouldnt know what to say. So he decided to just try and avoid him. It would make it easier for the both of them.


Meanwhile With Alhaitham

He had only been able to get a couple hours of sleep. Who could sleep after what happened last night?

Today was his last day off from work. He wanted to talk about what happened with Kaveh, to see if he even remembered.

He got up from the bed and opened his door slowly to the living room. Kaveh wasnt there.

Did he already wake up and head back to his room?

Just as he was about to walk to the bedroom he heard the bathroom door open.

And no one other than Kaveh walked out.

They made eye contact before Kaveh swiftly turned away and hurried to his room.

oh. he definitely remembers what happened

Kaveh would usually try to strike up an argument when he saw alhaitham but today he didnt.

Kaveh had thought he went to work already so he wasnt worried. but he thought wrong.

The sage honestly thought kaveh would just try to avoid him for a day and go back to his normal annoying self. If he didnt, he would have to talk to alhaitham eventually to ask for his lipsticks. They even had to sit together to eat dinner anyways!

Today it was Kavehs turn to make dinner so he had to come out of his room and eat with alhaitham, he didnt want to, he didnt even want to look at him, let alone eat with him! He was too embarrassed.

Yet he still pulled himself off his desk chair, he had been working on a project to get his mind off of things.
He started heading to the kitchen when he noticed alhaitham was already there! He was sitting at the table small round dining table reading a book, he was waiting for kaveh to make food.

Kaveh just walked past him to the kitchen and got to work.

Finally finished.

it took him 45 minutes to finish making the food, and yet alhaitham was still waiting there.

why couldnt he just wait in his room?

he brought two plates to the table placing one infront of his roommate and one for him. Alhaitham simply nodded and placed his book down.

They both started eating, it was awkward, so fucking awkward. If someone walked in they would be able to feel the awkwardness in the air.

Kaveh quickly tried to finish his food so he could go back to his room. He was rushing, even the man infront of him could tell.

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now