Chapter 13

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Kaveh had woken up to the warm feeling of the sun shining directly on him, sound of crowds, the grass tickling his ears and neck. His eyes were stinging, probably from crying too much. He wanted to fall back asleep for a few more hours before he realized...

He shot up, his eyes widened. He had fallen asleep on top of a hill. He looked around, everything still seemed to be in place. He looked down into sumeru city, of course there were many people.

How long did i sleep for?
he didnt put on his watch before he left so he had no way of telling what time it was. By the position of the sun he could tell it was past morning though.

He quickly grabbed his bags and ran down the hill. His vision was still blurry and his body was still weak since he had just woken up. But he wanted to go home.

As soon as he got down the hill, he noticed some people staring at him. He gave everyone a friendly smile, since he didnt want to be rude.

The more he walked the more stares he got, he felt uncomfortable. He just wanted to go back up to the hill where no one was there to judge him.

Suddenly 3 people stepped in-front of him, blocking his path. He examined them for a second before noticing their clothing.

These people worked for the acting grand sage.

one of them exclaimed the moment he saw kaveh.
"hey hey.. its him!"

the other followed
"it is! we better take him back!"

Take me back? what is happening?
kaveh showed a worried expression, before the last one spoke.

"you idiots shut up, youre scaring him. Master Kaveh right? can you follow us? we mean no harm, we promise."

Kaveh was hesitant. He wanted to go home, and shower, since he couldn't yesterday. But if they worked for alhaitham, they truly mean no harm right?

Kaveh nodded before all 3 of them gave him a smile and started walking. Kaveh followed behind them.

They had been walking for a few minutes before he noticed the direction they were going in. The Akedemiya. The closer they got the more intense the stares got. What the hell was happening?

They walked up the spiral platforms before reaching the door. Two of them opened the door for kaveh and the other one to walk inside.

The cold air hitting him as soon as he entered. As soon as he entered everyone looked at him with a shocked expression, kaveh kept walking as he kept his head down. He had given up smiling at people, there were too many people staring at him to react to.

They kept walking until they got to the elevator.

Kaveh waited for the three to get on but they didnt. He turned around giving them a confused face.

"Grand Sage Alhaitham, said not to follow you up, if we brought you here."

kaveh rolled his eyes and continued on the elevator clicking the up button.

The elevator was going so slow. But at the same time, this was a good thing for kaveh. What did alhaitham want with him now? He was growing nervous.

As soon as the elevator hit the top floor he saw his roommate. He was acting odd, pacing around the office.

It seems he had not heard the elevator since he had his soundproof earpieces on.

He stepped off the elevator walking closer to him. Only then did Alhaitham notice him.

As soon as they made eye contact Kaveh could see alhaithams eyes had dark circles under them.

And alhaitham could see the other have red puffiness the same color as his eyes all around his eyes.

The blonde could tell alhaitham did not sleep and the scribe could tell kaveh had been crying.

Kaveh had just thought he stayed up doing work, so he didnt give much thought. He rolled his eyes walking past alhaitham and over to his huge desk.

"Why did you tell your little servants to make me come here, im tired and dirty,i wanted to go home."
he said as he placed all the bags on the desk, not noticing something slipped out.

He faced back to alhaitham who hadnt moved an inch, waiting for a response.

"Why...why didnt you come home last night?"

Thats what this is about?

"I fell asleep."


"Doesnt matter, can i leave now?"

the silver haired thought for a moment before walking over to kaveh slowly.

Kaveh kept his eyes locked on alhaitham as he moved closer.

"Dont do that again please. You had me worried, i even sent out a search party for you. I was convinced something had happened."

Alhaitham seemed disappointed in himself.

All that because i didnt come home?

"I thought you wouldnt care."

Alhaitham frowned
"Why wouldnt i?"

kaveh thought for a moment
"because you hate me?"

alhaitham look confused
"hate? me hate you? never."

kavehs eyes widened.
"i thought you- i mean you- you said-"
he was at lost for words.

"It doesnt matter what i said or say, i will never hate you."

Alhaitham walked over to his desk before sitting down on the chair and leaning back. Kaveh still shocked at what he had just heard.

"Were you crying?"

Kaveh turned to look at him, confused about the sudden question.

"No! Im not so weak to cry over nothing!"

Alhaitham rolled his eyes before opening a drawer in his desk, pulling something out and throwing it at his roommate.

Kaveh struggle to catch it but he did.
he looked at it for a moment before realizing it was a mirror.


"Look at yourself dumbass."

Kaveh turned the mirror facing him and examining his face. His face looked normal except for his under-eyes, it was pink..almost red, anyone could tell he had been crying.

Kaveh placed the mirror down on the desk next to all the bags.

"What about you then?"
kaveh asked


"You dont look to good yourself either. Why didnt you sleep last night?"

Alhaitham didnt hesitate before answering.

"Because i couldnt sleep without knowing if you were safe or not."

Kavehs face was turning a rose color.

Alhaitham looked down at the bags noticed a piece of paper next to it. He thought it fell out of one of the bags. He picked it up about to put it back in the bag for kaveh before realizing what it was.

His eyes widened. He forced himself to speak, sounding as calm as possible.

"What the fuck is this?"

Authors Note: next chapter will be delayed a bit! have lots of finals to do, please be patient!

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