Chapter 19

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"What did you just say?"
kaveh asked in shocked.

"Be my boyfriend."

kaveh was dumbfounded. he was exhausted. he really wanted to pass out and let alhaitham take care of him like last time but he couldnt now.

him? be alhaithams boyfriend? what kind of a joke was that?
alhaitham was the acting grand sage, he looked perfect, and he was more intelligent than most people, and what about kaveh? hes just an architect who works his ass off just for his clients approval. he would never be able to stand next to alhaitham.
alhaitham deserved better. someone who he wouldnt fight with, someone who is equally as smart as him, someone who was pretty.

he mumbled.

alhaitham wasnt expecting that answer.

he hadnt prepared an answer for this.

kaveh spoke again.
"I don't deserve you."

the sages eyes widen.
"Kaveh, its me that doesnt deserve you."

"No, haitham- you can- you should find someone else, i am not worth youre time."
he interrupted.

Kaveh was being dead serious, but alhaitham however gave him a small chuckle.

"Lets go bathe, shall we?"

kaveh was confused.

Kaveh doesnt know how but he ended up in the bathtub with alhaitham, in front of him.

He wont even dare to look at him, because of what just happened. It was so awkward. All you could hear was water splashing around occasionally.

alhaitham broke the silence.

"Youre so pretty."
he says, looking straight at kaveh.

the blonde mumbles back in response, slowly lifting his head to look at alhaitham.

"Youre pretty, smart, creative,  funny, you are perfect."

kavehs mouth hung open for a second not knowing what to say. why would alhaitham just say this out of nowhere?

"You are the only one i want Kaveh, ive always had my eyes on you, even though we argue a lot, you are still and always be my friend, and you thinking that you arent enough or you arent perfect enough to be with me genuinely hurts me. Now i will ask you again, Kaveh, will you be my boyfriend?"

the blondes eyes widened, mouth still hung opened slightly .
hes at lost for words, even if he wanted to say something hed be too frozen to do so.

he was snapped out of his frozen state when alhaitham moved foward towards kaveh, until he was hovering over kaveh, both of them now on one side of the bath tub, kaveh looks up at him, concerned and confused.

alhaitham lifted his right hand to lift his chin, tilting his head side to side slowly. kaveh swore he heard alhaitham mumble something along the lines of "you're beautiful" before leaning in closer until their lips touched.

kaveh immediately melted into the kiss, not showing any restraint. of course he wanted to date alhaitham, he was just unsure if it was the best option for both of them.

kaveh wrapped his arms around alhaithams neck pulling him closer. he wanted to get more, taste more of him.

Kaveh whimpered into the kiss, wanting more of alhaitham, he swore he was just so exhausted 2 minutes ago, but now hes wide awake.

Alhaitham broke the kiss, out of breath, the blonde didnt even notice how much he needed to breath until alhaitham broke the kiss.

The sage plopped back onto the other side of the tub making a loud splash noise.

Both of them huffing heavily.

"Was that a yes?"
Alhaitham asked in between breaths.

Kaveh didnt reply.
He didnt look up at alhaitham either.

He heard the silver haired sign and more splashes of water, kaveh lifted his head to see alhaitham getting out of the bathtub.

"Where are you going?"
kaveh asked, afraid he mightve messed up and made alhaitham leave him.

Alhaitham ignored him, grabbing a towel and covering himself in it. After he was down drying himself and putting on some clothes, kaveh thought he wouldve left but he didnt. Instead he held out the towel to kaveh.

"come on if you stay in there any longer youre going tk get sick."
he said.

kaveh was confused but he stepped out of the bathtub, and into the towel alhaitham held out for him.

Alhaitham wrapped the towel around kaveh patting him dry. Once kaveh was dry alhaitham handed him a shirt and his boxers.

Kaveh slid on the boxers first than the shirt, only to realize that the shirt was too big to be his, it reached all the way down to his thighs.

"Haitham this isnt mine."
he said, informing alhaitham that maybe he grabbed the wrong shirt.

"I know, its mine, just wear it."
he replied.

Honestly kaveh didnt mind at all, the shirt smelt like alhaitham, and he loves his scent.

"Okay, where are my pants then?"
he asked in confusion.

"You dont need them."

kaveh was confused, but didnt really mind. the shirt already covered so much so it didnt matter.

kaveh nodded in agreement.

Alhaitham placed the towel down and opened the bathroom door for kaveh.

the blonde stepped outside and started walking towards his room before he felt someone grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.

he turned around and gave him a confused look.

"Sleep in my room for tonight. Please."

Kaveh has slept with alhaitham a couple of times before so it didnt matter.

he nodded and followed alhaitham back to his room.

Once they got into bed, alhaitham took the left side when kaveh took the right.

Alhaitham has closed his eyes expecting both of them to drift off after how exhausted they both were.

"I will."

alhaitham opened his eyes to see kaveh laying on his side looking at him.


"i- i wanna be your boyfriend."
the blonde mumbled.

alhaitham gave him a warm smile before pulling kaveh into his arms.

"I do too."

they both drifted off to sleep.



finally its done, i really hope you enjoyed, im actually so proud of the way this turned out.
after they become bfs they still argue and stuff but alhaitham always apologized to kaveh a few hours after and they cuddle.

anyways i definitely will be making another fanfic ina. few months not sure of who or what though, ive been thinking of doing a/b/o haikaveh, not sure.

follow to get notified when it comes out.

bye bye thank you for reading❤️ -Ari

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