Chapter 14

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Authors Note: thank you for being patient, here is what youve all been waiting for🤭


Kaveh looked at the piece of paper in alhaithams hand trying to make it what it was. He walked closer to where alhaitham was sitting and thats when he finally realized what it was.

He gave alhaitham a big smile followed by and chuckle.

"I found it. If i save for a couple months i can move out! Isnt it great?"

Alhaitham didnt seem to agree though.
He didnt say anything, not a word, so kaveh continued.

"I know it's difficult for you for me to be living inside your house, so you must be happy about this right? I have to admit its been hard for me too."

Hard for him?

Alhaitham didnt know what to say. He was at loss for words. He didnt want kaveh to leave him. Truly. But if it was what kaveh wanted and what he needed to do to be happy, then so be it.

he mumbled as he shoved the paper back in one of the bags.

"Okay? Just okay?"
he had expected alhaitham to say more. for some reason he wanted the sage to give him a reason to stay. he honestly did not want to move out.

"Do what you want."
Alhaitham opened one of the drawers in his desk and pulled out a couple sheets of paper, starting to work on them, completely acting if kaveh had just disappeared.

"Alright then. Im heading back home."
he looked at alhaitham for a another few seconds before grabbing his bags and exiting the office.

As soon as kaveh left he pushed all the papers in front of him aside and slammed his head on the desk. Trying not to tear up. He thought crying was for the weak.

What have i done to him? Why does he want to move out so bad?

Without kaveh, alhaithams house felt empty, his heart aswell.


By the time kaveh got home it was already 2, he needed to store the craft materials away so he could hurry and make food for him and alhaitham, since it was his turn to cook.

He placed all the bags down on his desk as soon as he got to his room. He sorted all of the items one by one, organizing them.

When he was done, he was relieved he was able to make food and eat food..but he forgot to change his bandages. Alhaitham told him to change them everyday until the cuts healed, and he hadnt changed them for today yet.

He hurried to the bathroom and grabbed the bandages out of the bathroom cabinet. He started with his right hand, then left.

As soon as he was done he headed to the kitchen. He couldnt help but look in the spot where he broke alhaithams plate. Painful memories flooded back into his brain. He did notice that alhaitham did a spectacular job in cleaning it up though.

He started with making food.


What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now