Chapter 6

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Its been a week since everything happened.

Kaveh was still embarrassed but he kept his promise and started talking to Alhaitham again. They would argue over little things like they used to. This made alhaitham happy. All he wanted was for Kaveh to talk to him.

Alhaitham was at the office again as usual. This wasnt any normal day. Apparently some eremites had been trying to get in the city. Everyone asked the sage what to do but he just decided to wait to see what else could happen. Acting now would be rash. We should atleast see what they want.

The entire day was people panicking at the Akademiya.
It really tired him. Until, he heard a knock at the door. At a time like this it could only be one person.

"Cyno, come in please."

cyno walked in and shut the door behind him.

he knew cyno was here to ask him about the situation too. so he just said

"go wipe them out. all of them"

cyno was waiting for the signal so he nodded and left. no one would have to worry anymore.

He got home a little later than usual because of all the chaos. Luckly Cyno took care of it though.

When he got home Kaveh wasnt in the living as he usually would be there. Alhaitham just brushed it aside and started making dinner. Usual Kaveh would come out of his room 10 minutes before alhaitham finished but today even when alhaitham had finished he wasnt at the table.

ill just bring the food to him

he picked up the bowl of soup and started walking towards his room. he knocked.

no response

he knocked again but there was no response. he knew kaveh was in there because he could see that the light was on from the crack under the door.

He was honestly getting worried so he just opened the door. Kaveh wasnt at his desk where alhaitham thought he was.

He was on his bed, sleeping?

Why is he sleeping at this hour?

He walked over to the bed and placed the bowl of soup on his bedside table.

i should wake him.

he got a bit closer to examine kaveh and he notice his cheeks were bright red.

is he blushing? no. in his sleep?

he shook kaveh softly to wake him.
"kaveh, get up, i made food."

Kaveh wasnt responding.

he shook him a bit more harshly this time

"kaveh, the food is going to get cold."

kaveh made grunted as he slowly opened his red eyes.

kaveh started adjusting to what was happening before he spoke

cough "thank you."

did he just cough? is he sick? maybe thats why his cheeks are all red.

alhaitham wasted no time and reached his hands to kavehs forehead

"w-what are you doing?"

his forehead was burning. he had a fever.

"you have a fever?"

kaveh nodded

"you should leave i dont want to catch it too, thanks for the food."

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now