Chapter 10

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Kaveh woke up with a slight sharp pain in his head, basically a small headache. He slowly started to flutter his eyes opened when he realized Alhaitham was next to him, he had his arms wrapped around kaveh and his face rested at the back of his head.

Memories from last night started gushing through his mind, his cheeks turning a rose color.

What were they now? Lovers? Friends? or still just roommates? It didnt matter to kaveh anyways he knew the sage was quite tipsy last night as well and most likely will regret his horrible actions.

today was a sunday, which made if even worse. alhaitham didn't need to go into work today. they were going to be together the entire day. kaveh looked at the clock, it was 1pm already! he knew how awkward it was going to be or how awkward he would accidentally make it. whatever, he needed to go out and buy new crafting materials anyways. he could just leave and come back around sundown. (which is around 6-7pm)

He realized he was in clean clothes and didnt feel uncomfortable or sticky..from sweat or semen.

huh so he did clean me up

he blushed at the thought, he didnt think alhaitham actually cared for him enough to clean him up. he had thought he was always a burden to him.

although alhaitham already cleaned him last night before passing out next to him, he still craved a hot bath. to get his mind off of things of course.

He didnt want to wake his sleeping roommate. his plan was just to leave before he woke up and come home a couple of hours before he slept.

He slowly held the sages wrist as he lifted it so he could slide out, trying his best to be gentle. As soon as he was free he hurried lifted the blanket and stumbled out of bed trying to head towards the door.

One step, Two step.....


The architect fell the ground due to a sharp, numb pain in his back....he knew exactly why the pain was there. He thought for a moment before hearing a chuckle come from the direction of his bed.
He of course knew who it was.

He turned his head giving the one on the bed a cold glare.
"Don't laugh, this is all your fault after all."
he mumbled.

he chuckled for a couple more seconds before finally replying.
"Im sorry, do you need help?~"
he wasnt even trying to hide the fact that he was being sarcastic. Whenever kaveh was weak he would find it funny.

he placed both of his arms on the ground for more support as he slowly stood up, his legs slightly trembling. He winced at the sudden pain, but honestly he could get through it.

As he stood up he limped towards the door, knowing he was being stared at. He could literally feel alhaithams eyes at the back of his head. As he finally made it to the door he rested his hand on the doorknob for a little support before twisting it and exiting. Heading for the bathroom.

when he got to the bathroom, he realized it was too late for a bath now so he would just have a steamy shower.

Not even 10 seconds after he shut the door, he heard it open again. Alhaitham walked inside while closing the door behind him, walking right past Kaveh and turning on the shower.

"H-hey! Cant you see i was about to shower?!"

Only when he heard the blonde talk did he turn and look at him.

"Doesnt matter if you were first, this is my house, therefore i can use my bathroom whenever. You however, have not even payed your rent for this month."

Kaveh was now slightly annoyed, he had turned back to being his usual bitchy self.

Its whatever i can just shower when i get home.
kaveh thought.

"okay." he mumbled turning towards the door

Alhaitham however was a bit surprised, he hadn't expected him to just give up so easily.

Kaveh sighed, grabbing the doorknob turning it before his roommate grabbed his waist gently pulling him backwards.

"what are you doing?"

"didnt you say you needed to shower? lets do it together."

did i hear that correctly? shower? together?
kavehs face turning pink, he was flustered at this point.

"no thanks."

alhaitham frowned, his head resting on kavehs shoulder.

"why not? ive already seen everything, nothing to be embarrassed about."

"well i..just- its just going to be cramped in there."
he was just trying to come up with any excuse at this point.

the sage didnt want to force him if he didnt want to.
"okay, suit yourself"

he let go of kavehs waist and lifted his head. the blonde finally being able to relax.

he looked behind him to see alhaitham already starting to undress himself. he hurried out the door and slammed it behind him, by accident.

He was reddening by the second.
he just wanted to leave. but then he heard his stomach grumble.

Ill just eat before i go.
the architect heading to the kitchen.

Authors Note: Short chapter sorry, however next chapter will be filled w angst so prepare yourselves
Chapter 11 will be posted in 2 days❤️

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