Chapter 1

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It was another busy day for Alhaitham, of course, what else can you expect for the acting grand sage? Truthfully he didnt even know why he had accepted the offer, it was not what he wanted to do.

       He was just doing the usual shit ton of work he has to do every other day when he shifted to a more comfortable position in his chair and felt something uncomfortable in his pockets. He was already frustrated by all the work in front of him so this just annoyed him even more.

He shoved his hand into his pocket and roughly pulled out the house keys. It had a lion keychain which alhaitham found absolutely ugly..well only because it belonged to Kaveh. He realized his idiot of a roommate had forgotten his keys..again. "what is wrong with him? always losing his damn keys and then getting upset at me for it!" he scoffed.

"hah guess hell just have to wait for me to get home to open the door for him." the thought of this made alhaitham want to stay at the office longer than usual ,but of course he was already drained from all the work he had done today. so he decided to just finish up what he was working on and head home. of course he wanted to torture kaveh and make him wait outside until he got back, but he was already worn out.

He had just finish his work 45 minutes later and exhausted as fuck. He ran out of the office and walked back home. He wanted nothing more to go home and just drift to sleep on his bed, but of course since Kaveh was his roommate he knew he wouldnt be able to get peaceful and quiet rest, kaveh would always try to argue with him over such little things. obviously it would sometimes annoy alhaitham but he would always say something to outsmart the architect so he didnt really mind.

By the time he knew it he was just a few minutes away from home, he didnt work very far so it didn't surprise him. When he turned the corner, of course Kaveh was just waiting on the porch, clearly very annoyed.

"Fucking finally! i know you took my keys again you bastard!" kaveh yelled out as soon as he saw alhaitham.

alhaitham just walked right past him without even glancing at him, he stopped in front of the door and took out the keys to unlock the door . but no it wasnt his own keys, it was his roommates!

Alhaitham quickly unlocked the door and walked inside as kaveh stormed right behind him. He knew his roomate was furious, just as he turned around kaveh snatched his keys back. "i swear to god if you dont stop taking my keys" kaveh started before he was rudely interrupted by his annoying roomate, "stop losing them then" alhaitham continued as he took off his coat "its not a hard job to keep track of your keys, im not the one to blame so dont go yelling at me" the silver haired grinned as looked back at kaveh

"You little-!"

"little? last time i check im way taller than you."

"hah?! i may be shorter but im older than you!" kaveh was happy with his reply, feeling as if this is the first time he was able to say something that alhaitham wouldnt be able to reply to.

"mhm. older but yet im more mature, must be embarrassing" alhaitham laughed sarcastically as he said.

kaveh was so done. why could he never win an argument with his roomate?! was it because he was smarter than him? well obviously he was smarter than him, he was chosen to be the acting grand sage!

alhaitham could see the other ones face turn red as he got more upset. he simply just chuckled and walked to his room.

as he was walking he heard the blonde speak. has he finally thought of a reply?

"oh yeah , i know you could care less but im not gonna be home for the next 4 days." for kaveh this was not a problem for him, a break from alhaitham was exactly what he needed.

he genuinely thought his roommate wouldnt care but he thought wrong. he quickly turned around to face him

"what..? where are you going? do you even have anywhere else to stay?" he sounded concerned but also worried

"calm down geez... tighnari just asked me to remodel his workspace for him so im just going over there for a few days."

oh. it was just tighnari. why did i get so worried? its not like i care, i never will when it comes to him

"okay. when are you leaving?" he questioned

"tomorrow morning, ive already packed yesterday, ill be gone before you even wake up." kaveh replied happily

alhaitham was truly annoyed by him leaving for a while. if kaveh wasnt home who would keep him company? he kept telling himself he doesnt care but deep down he definitely does.

"okay. stay safe."

the blonde was surprised to hear that come from his roommate who was usually so rude and distant. stay safe? what has gotten into him. he had expected him to say something along the lines of "whatever" or just a plain "okay."

kaveh didnt know how to reply to the sudden reply so he just nodded.

before they knew it they were in their rooms about to drift off.

alhaitham however couldnt sleep. he didnt know why. was it because kaveh was leaving? no. it's probably because im so excited that hes leaving. with that he got up and searched his room for something. he was searching for minutes, which felt like hours. "found it." he mumbled. it was a bottle of pills. sleeping pills. he had kept the bottle there because sometimes he couldnt sleep due to work. he popped two in his mouth and layed back down. he dozed off not even 10 minutes after.


Authors Notes: Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, feel free to give me suggestions 😇

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