Chapter 3

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Once he got home he wasted no time to grab some more comfortable clothes and headed to the bathroom.
He turned on the shower and quickly hopped in.

He was in there for a good hour before getting out and changing.

Only when he was about to leave the bathroom that he noticed the cloth he used to wipe of the lipstick Kaveh had put on him.

He looked at it for a while before deciding to get revenge. He would go into kavehs room and take all his lipsticks. (not to throw away but to hide)

He walked down the hall to kavehs bedroom door. He swiftly swung the door opened and cold air hit him.
It felt and looked so different in there. Maybe because him and his roommate had totally different styles.

His room was alright, of course alhaitham thought his room was better.

He walked in and to the dresser kaveh had. he started looking for him lipsticks in the drawers full of architectural things until he opened the second to last drawer and finally found them. The blonde has 4 total lipsticks and 2 lip glosses in there. Alhaitham took them all out and placed them on top of the dresser. There was still one drawer he hadnt open.

maybe he has more makeup products in there

curiosity got the better of him and so he pulled it opened. hoping to find more lil products.....but to his surprise it wasnt nothing of the sort

... what the fuck?

It was filled with sex toys.

why did kaveh have sex toys anyways? i always thought he was too busy to do anything else but work.

alhaitham took a closer look to count (dont ask why)
there were 2 dildos, a pair of handcuffs, and a vibrator.

handcuffs? for whom? for himself? handcuffs are meant to be used with two people though..
ah, it doesnt matter.

he just closed the drawer and tried to pretend like he didnt see it. but it was difficult.

people usually hide valuable things under their pillows

so he walked over to the architects bed and lifted up the pillow.

nope. there was nothing there. alhaitham was about to place the pillow down when he smelt something from it. it was sweet. it smelt like kaveh.

of course kavehs scent would be here, he sleeps here. but ...why does it smell so...good.

he couldnt help but hold it up to his face and get a whiff off it.

he swore the smell did something to his brain because for a moment he just wanted to lay in kavehs bed and fall asleep to the wonderful scent.

was it cologne? or was it just the way he smelt naturally? it didnt matter it smelt lovely.

he didnt even notice himself what he was doing. at this rate he'd fall over on kavehs bed and fall asleep.

what the hell am i doing?

he quickly dropped the pillow and got off of his bed.

he couldnt help but feel this burning sensation on his face.

he quickly took all the lip products from off the dresser and left kavehs room.

a blushing mess.


he had just finished stashing his roommates lipsticks and lipglosses in his own dresser when he heard his stomach growl.

alhaitham hadnt eaten anything since he hadnt eaten breakfast and he was working with cyno all day. He went to the kitchen, made himself his favorite food and ate it all in less than 10 minutes!

he didnt have to go to the akedemiya since he already finished all his work, so he could just sleep in until next week.

that was a relief since he was already annoyingly tired.
he just needed to rest.

5 Hours Pass

Alhaitham had been rolling around in his bed for 5 fucking hours.

He couldnt sleep due to what he saw in kavehs room today.. and what he was doing in his room.

He didnt want to take more sleeping pills since he knew taking too much was bad for his health.

alhaitham sighed harshly

fuck it.

he got up storming out of his room, frustrated he wasnt able to doze off as easily as he thought he shouldve.

he knew what he wanted. what he needed.

he entered kavehs room not even taking a moment to adjust to the dark lighting. he just shut the door behind him and flopped on kavehs bed.

Authors Note: sorry for the interruption, im fucking the slowburn, im sorry i need them tg asap.😭😭

he could smell the scent from earlier, the scent he was obsessed with, the scent that made him want to drift asleep.

the blanket on the bed also smelt the exact same. the entire bed smelt like kaveh.

the entire bed smelt sweet and calming.

why hadnt he noticed how good his roommate smelt before?

alhaitham curled himself up in kavehs blanket and started adjusting himself into a more comfortable position. Then before he knew it he was asleep.

On kavehs bed.

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now