Chapter 4

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Authors Note: uhm so brace yoursslf for this chapter there will be nsfw and yeah enjoy 😇

For the past 4 days Alhaitham had just been sleeping in his roommates bed, not even touching his own.

Today is the day Kaveh comes home.

This was the last day he was going to be alone, so the entire day he just went through all his books and read the ones he never finished or never started reading.

With Kaveh home he definitely would not be able to read in a quiet space.

Of course, he was reading in the architects bed. It was like for these past 4 days he couldnt run away from the smell. He swore it wasnt his fault. He evn blamed Kaveh for smelling that good! (which was stupid)


Before he knew it, the time was already 7:30pm
he put down the book he was reading and made Kavehs bed.

Of course he didnt want him to know he had been sleeping there.

Before he walked out he made sure everything was in its original place. Not the lipsticks of course.

He took the book he was reading to the living room, because of course Kaveh didnt bring his keys with him so he needed to open the door for him.

As soon as Kaveh walk in he was going to confront him about drawing on his face immediately. He never let his roommate win anything, so he definitely was not letting this go.

Where the hell is he..?

It had been 4 hours since he was supposed to come home. It was past midnight why wasnt he home yet?

Alhaitham couldnt help but worry that something had happened to him. But he shook the feeling off telling himself Kaveh was definitely strong enough to protect himself.

Another hour later, alhaitham was pacing around his house. Truthfully panicking. Just then he heard someone try to open the door. Aggressively.

The sage quickly walked over to the door and opened it.

It was Kaveh.

"why the hell are you so late? its passed midnight!" he continued "and id be yelling at you about drawing on my face in my sleep right now but youre lucky im exhausted. exhausted from waiting."

alhaitham starting walking back to the couch and sat down, picking up his book again, he wanted to finish the chapter before he went to bed although he was already tired.

it was strange. the blonde hasnt said anything since he opened the door for him. he didnt even reply to him at all!

instead he just shut the door, took off his shoes and walked slowly to where alhaitham was sitting.

his steps were unsteady. the silver haired looked up from his book to see kaveh standing right in front of him.

of course out of natural instincts he just placed his book down and grumbled

"the hell do you want now?"


what? did he say me? is he okay? why would he say that?

before alhaitham could say anything else kaveh jumped on top of him.

he finally understood where kaveh had been. at the tavern. he reeked of alcohol.

he tried pushing kaveh off by surprise but he wouldnt budge.

"kaveh get off of me."

the blonde just frowned and moved his face closer to alhaithams.

their faces were inches apart now. the sage didnt know what kavehs motive was since he was just looking at him.


he couldnt say anything else when a certain someone had shoved their tongue in his mouth! it tasted like alcohol.

alhaitham tried to break the kiss but kaveh kept shoving his tongue deeper in his mouth.

he had also been moving around right on top of alhaithams....area. hes drunk he doesnt know what hes doing! hes going to regret it when he wakes up.

he really didnt want to get violent with the blonde only because he was drunk, and of course he didnt want to hurt him. so instead he just decided to play along.

he pushed kavehs tongue with his own and now the roles were reversed. alhaitham was now the one kissing him roughly.

kaveh let out a soft moan to the sudden movement in his mouth....which turned alhaitham on.

the drunk architect was probably too wasted to notice his roommates erection right under him.

if he knew it was alhaithams fault since he was moving around and pressing him in that spot.

honestly the sage found it funny that kaveh was the one a whimpering mess when he was the one that started it.

after making out for minutes which felt like fucking hours to both of them, kaveh broke the kiss, he needed a break, he couldnt go on.

both of them were huffing and trying to catch their breath when alhaitham had realized what he had done.

he gently pushed kaveh off him and ran to his room.

not even 5 minutes later he passed out on the couch. exhausted and out of breath.

meanwhile with alhaitham he was all different shades of red. people can even mistake him for a valberry right now.

he didnt know what he just did
was it a mistake?

he didnt know

what he did know was that he still had an erection.

dammit its all kavehs fault.

he took a deep breath before slipping off his pants and falling on his bed.

he had only done this a couple of times before, he didnt like doing it unless he absolutely needed to.

he was already slick with precum because kaveh was grinding on top of him like crazy.

he rubbed the tip softly as he moaned. he did not remember it feeling this good.

he just wanted to get it over with and go to bed.

he gripped his cock and started stroking it slowly

he was moving his hands slowly but it felt acceptable.
maybe because he was thinking about his roommate.

he started moving his hands faster. he was craving more pleasure.

he swore his grunts and moans were so loud kaveh could probably hear them.

he moved his hands swiftly from the base to the tip, again and again.

a generous amount of precum was leaking from his shaft.

he let out one final grunt as a white substance shot out of his shaft.

he felt disgusted but there was nothing else he could do.

the sage slid his pants back on and walked out of his room to wash his hands. when he noticed the blonde passed out on the couch.

tch of course he passed out he probably had too much to drink before coming back home.

he walked into kavehs room and grabbed his blanket, obviously smelling it a few times before bringing it back to the living room.

kaveh was in a position where he was about to slide off the couch so alhaitham had to readjust him, trying not to wake him.

he placed the blanket over kaveh and went to turn off the light in the living room, quietly.

he was already at his limit so when he reached his bed. he fell into a deep sleep immediately.

Authors Note: bro im sorry for using "kaveh" and "alhaitham" sm idk what to use

also chapter 5 will be out in a few days ❤️

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