Chapter 16

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Authors Note: prepare yourselves people

Alhaitham doesnt know how, but kaveh had fallen asleep. He just remembers kaveh telling him he was tired and him offering the architect his leg to lay on.

The sleeping blonde was resting his head on alhaithams left thigh, using it like a pillow. He had alhaithams jacket covering him like a blanket.

Kaveh looked so peaceful sleeping on alhaitham. He also looked fucking adorable.

The sage, moved the strands of hair out of his face to see his entire face more clearly. He looked perfect.

He had been asleep for a couple hours now. Since they were on top of a hill, it was cold up there. At this rate kaveh would catch a fever or a cold again if he slept up there any longer.

He truly did not want to wake kaveh, but sleeping up there would be bad for his health. The sun had just set, it was about time they went home. If kaveh liked sleeping on him so much, they could just do it at home, where it was warm.

He caressed the blondes soft cheek gently.

"Kaveh. Wake up, lets go home."

The sleeping one squirmed around a bit, not responding.

Alhaitham shook kavehs shoulder.

"Come on kaveh wake up, i dont want to have to carry you all the way down."

Finally the architect opened his eyes slowly.

Alhaitham wanting to keep him awake continued.
"Dont you feel cold? Youll get sick at this rate."

Kaveh gained a bit of his consciousness before mumbling.
"Cant i stay like this? Im not cold when im on you."

Alhaitham let out a soft laugh.
"If you want to lay on me, then we can do it at home, not here."

Kaveh sat up slowly, turning to look at him.

"Really. Now come on, i want to go home."

It had taken them 35 minutes to get up this hill, so it would take them the same time to get down. They both didnt bring any water, so they were both parched while walking. Alhaitham of course, didnt make it a big deal, his roommate however, had been complaining every 5 minutes.

"Haitham, im thirsty."
"Haitham, i want water."
"Haitham, are we there yet?"

every five minutes.

He was about to complain about being thirsty agin until the sage stopped, causing him to stop aswell.

"Huh? Whyd we stop?"

"Youre thirsty right?"
the scribe questioned.

"Yes! Do you have water?"
kaveh waiting for an answer.

alhaitham shook his head before grabbing kavehs face and pulling it closer to his.

"W-what are you doing?"

before the blonde could say anything else alhaitham pushed his lips against kavehs, pushing his tongue in kavehs mouth.

He was turning red, but he was so thirsty to the point he swallowed as much of alhaithams saliva as he could.

Alhaitham released kavehs face letting him breathe and pulling away.

"Are you still thirsty?"
the sage grinned.

Kaveh was wiping his lips from the wetness, thinking for a moment, before replying.

"Yes indeed i am, one more time please."

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now