Chapter 11

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Kaveh was making pancakes at the moment, they were easy and quick to make so he could get out of there faster.

He had realized he made too much pancake mix, he definitely could not finish it all by himself.

i wouldnt hurt to make alhaitham some right?

alhaitham usually didn't eat breakfast so kaveh didnt know if he would it eat but there was nothing else he could do with the extra.

As soon as he was finished, he tossed the pan in the sink and brought the two plates to the table, he went back to the kitchen and grabbed some water, also placing that on the table.

As soon as he started to eat, he heard the shower turn off, he knew alhaitham would be coming out any second now, so he tried to eat quicker. He was stuffing more into his mouth before he even got the chance to swallow.

Before he knew it he had finished, quickly standing up and walking to the sink. Of course, he wouldnt just leave the dishes for alhaitham to do, so he was going do them before he left, so he didnt have to do it later.

He scrubbed and scrubbed, and finally rinsed, he couldve sworn time was going by slower than usual. As he picked up the wet plate to put it in the dryer. It slipped, and shattered as soon as it hit the ground causing a loud glass noise.

Kaveh panicked. He tried to scoop up the broken glass pieces as fast as he could, he didnt want alhaitham to be upset at him. This was his plate and he had broken it. He was already living in alhaithams house, the least he could do was take care of the house, he was clearly not doing a very good job at that at the moment.

Before he realized it he had sliced both of his hands. He winced at the pain...yes it was very painful, but he still tried scooped up the rest of the glass causing his hands to be filled with more painful cuts.

"Kaveh what happened? i heard something shatter?"
alhaitham had came out of the bathroom, with a small towel around his neck, and his hair damp.

"n-nothing! i just dropped a plate by accident, im sorry ill buy you a new one."
kaveh tried to pick up the remaining pieces of glass before alhaitham could see the mess he had made.
but it was too late.

"Just clean it up, how can you be so clumsy-"
before alhaitham could finish his sentence his throat felt dry, his eyes widening at the sight of something he did not expect to see. Kaveh on the floor, blood and cuts all over his hands, hurrying to clean up the glass plate he had dropped.

He froze for a moment before rushing over to kaveh.
"Kaveh. Kaveh. Stop."

it seems like the blonde didnt hear him, he seemed like he was in a world of his own, his eyes were gloomy.

He only snapped back into reality when alhaitham grabbed both of his wrists forcing his hands away from the glass pieces. He noticed alhaitham had a worried expression when he looked up, which caused him to panic even more.

Is he that upset i broke his plate?
kaveh thought. he wanted to cry.

He tried to move his hands out of alhaithams grasp before the sage spoke again.
"Kaveh..look at your hands."

Kaveh did feel stinging painful feeling coming from his hands earlier but was too out of his mind to realize.

"Right, ill pick up the rest of the glass and go patch up."

He waited for alhaitham to let go of his wrists but he didnt.


"No? but the ground will get dirt-"

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now