Chapter 7

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Alhaitham woke up to a heavy feeling on his chest.
He slowly opened his eyes to find kaveh laying on his chest. He was using alhaitham like a damn pillow.

He didnt want to wake Kaveh since he was feeling unwell. and of course also because he looked so pretty sleeping on alhaitham chest.

He was glad it was a saturday so he didnt have to go to work today. He didnt have to get out of bed and risk waking kaveh. He wanted to stay like this the entire day.

The heavy feeling on his chest was slightly uncomfortable but he didnt care. As long as his roommate was okay then so was he.

He placed his hand on Kavehs head and started swirling his long golden hair around.

he looked so gorgeous when he was asleep.


he felt a shift on his chest

had he woken kaveh up by accident?

kaveh slowly started to open his eyes.

as soon as the blonde adjusted to what was happening he rolled off of alhaithams chest and on the other side of the bed.

"im fine now, you can leave"

alhaitham didnt want to leave.

he wrapped his arms around kaveh once more and held him close.

"lets stay like this a little longer. please."

kaveh was surprised

of course he didnt want to say no.


the two fell back asleep not even 10 minutes after.


The two woke up to the sound of knocking. it confused them at first to understand where the sound was coming from but they soon realized someone was knocking at their door.

"ill go get it." alhaitham groaned

kaveh nodded as he let go of him so he could get of the bed. kaveh didnt even notice he was clinging to alhaitham.

neither of them even noticed they slept through almost the entire day!

alhaitham walked to the door slowly opening it. he expected to see a package or something of the sort but no.

"tighnari? cyno? what brings you here?"

alhaitham just noticed the sun was starting to set.

hm we really did sleep through the whole day.

tighnari explained "we just wanted to hang out! its been a while since we last did" he held up a bag and some drinks "we also brought food and drinks, hopefully you didnt eat dinner yet.

"did you just wake up?" cyno seemed surprised

"yeah. ill go get kaveh. you guys can come in"

alhaitham walked away from the door towards kavehs room while tighnari and cyno set the food and drinks down.

alhaitham didnt even bother to knock since he was just in there.

kaveh was still in bed. not sleeping. just sitting there.

"hey. cyno and tighnari are here."

"alright, ill be right out."

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now