Chapter 12

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Alhaitham had already retreated back to the kitchen, cleaning up the leftover glass shards of the plate kaveh had dropped earlier.

Kaveh, however, was still in the bathroom. Too flustered to move.

Alhaitham just- he just kissed my hand?

He turning pink by the second. Kaveh still didnt move an inch for another couple of minutes. Making alhaitham wonder if he was okay.

He finally stood up. There was still a sharp pain in his back, but not too much. He led himself out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, seeing alhaitham starting to eat the pancakes he had made.

He walked pass the dining table where the scribe was eating and grabbed his keys. Making sure not to forget them this time. He slid on his shoes as quickly as possible.

He swung the door opened, and left. Not saying a word to alhaitham.

Before kaveh so rudely left without saying anything, alhaitham wanted to ask what time he was going to be back. But he didnt get the chance.

He just continued eating, surely kaveh wouldnt be out too late right?


Kaveh needed to get a lot of things for his crafts and drawings, for his clients. He had made a list a few days before but had forgotten to bring it with him, because these past few days have been a mess. He wasnt sad about the events or anything, he was just overwhelmed. Kaveh was so emotionally fragile, after all the incidents as a child. He would just cry to cope with whatever was happening. He would cry and cry until he had no more tears left to cry and pass out. It wasnt the best coping skill but it made him feel a bit better, so it didnt matter.

He didnt know why alhaitham had been so soft to him these past days. But he wasnt a fool. He didnt know if the sage was being genuine or just messing with him. If he was, it wouldnt be a surprise. but why? Why would he do that? Play with kavehs feelings?

He knew alhaitham thought of him as weak, and dumb. Kaveh could never resist the urge to help people in need, which made him manipulative and gullible.

Honestly kaveh didnt even know why he had liked his roommate so much. Was it because he took him in when he had nothing? But why take him in and provide for him if he was going to be such a bitch?

Whatever. If he had thought about this more he would definitely start tearing up.

He took a deep breath before walking further into the city.

As soon as he got to the main part of the city, it was filled with crowds, shops, restaurants, etc. He tried to remember what he needed to buy and proceeded to get the items.


Time Skip 2 Hours

Kaveh has been shopping for a while now, he had gotten more things than he had expected to get. He was hungry and his legs were growing tired. It was still a bit early to go back home as he knew alhaitham would still be awake at this time.

He decided to find a place to rest for a while.

As he was walking around he found a board with a bunch of flyers..but a certain one had caught his beautiful soft eyes.

It was a flyer for an apartment. It was a small apartment with all the necessities he needed. And even better it was only 2.5k mora per month!

Kaveh thought for a while, staring at the flyer.
If i save for a couple months, i could make it work!

Kavehs face turned into a slight smile. He could finally move out of alhaithams place, it would be better for both of them, and they both could finally get some room for himself. He felt bad staying with alhaitham for all those years, just imagining how much money he spent on him made him feel guilty.

Kaveh took the flyer from off the board, shoved it in one of the bags and continued onwards to find a place to rest.


He doesnt know how but he managed to end up on the very top of a hill. There was no one there, and it had a perfect view of sumeru city, and the sky.

He placed his bags down to the side and fell to his knees, his legs giving out.

He caught his breath for a moment before, grabbing one of the bags from next to him and pulled out some almond tofu he had gotten earlier. He was hungry and parched. Luckily he had bought consumables too.

The almond tofu was sweet, it reminded him of how his mother used to make it. Or how she made any food in general. Her cooking was perfection.

Before he knew it he had finished everything. Nothing remained in the plastic bowl nor the water-bottle. He was stuffed now.

He placed the bowl and empty bowl and water-bottle in the bag he got it out from and fell backwards, now laying on his back.

He knew the sun was about to set, and that he needed to return home in a bit.
He didnt want to head back home just yet though. It was peaceful here. No one yelling at him, no one bothering him.

Although the slight wind kind of bothered him there was nothing wrong with the current event.

He decided to just stay to watch the sunset and go back home.

He closed his eyes for a bit.

Why had i fallen in love with him? Love brings nothing but hurt and pain.

In this moment Kaveh had wished he had never met Alhaitham.

He could feel his chest tighten and tears forming in his eyes. Just thinking about it made him feel the same way he did when his dad died and his mom left him to remarry. He had felt that everything was his fault. If he hadnt been so stupid, and gotten himself into debt, he never wouldve need alhaitham. The tears turning into waterfalls and full sobbing. He couldnt take it anymore. He had held it in for too long. It was too good to be true, alhaitham definitely did not feel the same way about him. He was definitely playing with his gullible heart.

Before he knew it, he had cried himself to sleep.

What Is This Feeling? (Kavetham/Haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now