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Y/n's pov:

"Babe wake up. You got a call." My girlfriend, Haewon grumpily said and cuddled in my arms.

"Let them call. It's Saturday, don't we deserve a day off?" I replied with a yawn and kissed her forehead.

"You're right. Even though I'll need to go in a while, Lily asked to help her with the "Love me like this" choreography." She replied and got under the covers to put her head on my chest.

"Lily? Again? You guys have been hanging out non stop. Am I even the one you're dating?" I asked bitterly with a chuckle, I didn't wanna ruin the mood.

"Right? We've been spending so much time together that fans think I'm dating her." So she didn't get the hint.

This has been going for more 6 months. Lily this, Lily that. It's making me feel insecure. But I'll never actually tell Haewon.

She's always so cheerful and bubbly around me, not even trying to make me sad or anything. She's simply living her idol life while dating me.

"Babe? Remember how we met?" She asked. Does she read my mind?

"Of course. How could I forget our encounter?" I chuckled.


I just finished my announcement as Mc for Nmixx's win.

"Congratulations Nmixx." I bowed and gave their leader, Haewon a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you." She smiled and bowed back.

I returned backstage and met up with Miyeon sunbaenim, who was also an Mc.

"Hello sunbae." I greeted her politely and bowed.

"Y/n, don't be formal, we've known each other for a long time already." She smiled.

"Y/n sunbaenim!" A voice from behind interrupted us.

Nmixx's maknae, Kyujin.

"Sunbaenim, we'd like to offer you one album of ours." She bowed and gave me an album.

"Oh? Thank you so much, I'll make sure to take a listen." I bowed back.

She was not alone though. She was with 2 members of hers. I suppose the blonde one is Lily and next to her Haewon, the one I gave the flowers on stage.

"I hope you pull my photocard. I made effort to take these pictures." Haewon smirked.

"Noted. If I don't pull your photocard, I might as well order it online." I replied with the same energy.

"Could I get your number? I think our manager said we'll need an actress for our next music video. If you're interested in working with us." Haewon asked and pulled out her phone.

"Sure." I replied and gave her my phone number.

Since then we started texting non stop.

End of flashback...

"My excuse for the music video was so lame, can't believe you accepted like that." Haewon laughed.

"I should have known better, you had just had your comeback, not possible to have another one." I replied and unwrapped my arms from her.

"Hey, why did you let me go?" She sulked.

"I need to take that call. It was my manager." I replied seriously and she scoffed before getting up again.

I'm not playing with these matters. My job goes first.

I called my manager back, as I took out a cigarette.

"Y/n. Sorry for the timing, it's urgent." He said when he picked up the call.

"Hello, it's not a big deal, don't worry about it." I replied and looked back at Haewon who was getting dressed to go out.

"It's about a job. I've been contacted to ask you about a GL series." He added.

"Gl?" I questioned, surprised at the sudden move.

Korea is very conservative at these topics. Never would I expect I'd get offered to act at something like that.

"Yeah, didn't expect it either. Should I accept a meeting with the producers?" He asked.

"Yes, please. I'm interested." I replied with a smile and we hung up shortly after.

"Can I wear your perfume?" Haewon back hugged me.

"You can. You know my things are yours too. The only one I'm not sharing is you." I responded and pulled her in a kiss.

"Hm you know how to make me melt." She replied in between the kiss.

"I have to go now, Lily is calling me." And it got me again...

"Oh. Yeah alright, goodbye." I dryly said and she pouted.

"Are you jelly Y/n?" She smirked in victory.

"You know I don't get jealous." Liar. I replied and tried to brush it off by hugging her goodbye.

When the door behind me shut, I sighed.

Then, I checked my phone when a notification got on top of my lock screen.

Manager Kim

It's set. You have a casting tommorow at 6 p.m, don't be late.

I just stood there, thinking for a bit while admiring the view from my Seoul apartment.

"So GL huh?"

author: hello

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