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Y/n's pov:

"You've gotta be kidding me." Sunwoo said and started jumping up and down.

"Yeah, no. I'm not kidding, it's my opportunity to shine, finally." I chuckled and looked at the text about today's meeting.

"I'm so ready for it. Even though I think Haewon is gonna be enraged about you acting with someone else." He responded and took a sip of his coffee.

"I don't think so. Even though I wouldn't mind seeing her a bit jealous. I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy it." That moment I realized that Haewon is never jealous.

It's always me against her. I get it sometimes that I can be paranoid but nobody's gut is always wrong likes she paints it to be.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asked and sat on the kitchen island.

"I don't know honestly. Maybe I'm really imagining things."

"It's either that you've played so many toxic roles that you can't see green flags no more or you don't wanna accept that your relationship is problematic." He truthfully responded.

Sunwoo has always been like that. I'm never afraid to tell him the truth. He's gonna voice his real opinion and he's gonna make me realize my mistakes each time. Ever since we met through his father, he's one true friend to rely on.

"Have you always been against Haewon or are you just trying to clear my head again?" I chuckled.

"Nothing against her, but come on Y/n. Her behavior has been very fishy for months. I'm sure she did something that upset you again. Now that I think about it, yes I have something against her." He defended.

I sighed and for the 12th time today, I looked at the message from my manager, about the casting today.

"Who even plans castings on Sundays? I guess dad couldn't find another day, or you're always booked." He hinted.

I should be honest with myself, I've been kind of a workaholic. Never have much time for anyone or anything.

Even the days I don't work, naturally, because actors don't have a standard job, I always have something planned for me. Gym be it? Family time be it? Hell, therapy be it? Never skipped them, nor am I planning to.

"Right. Always a complaint about not hanging out anymore. I can screen record our every conversation. They last for hours every day." He wasn't wrong though, was he?

"I prefer having your presence around. That's why I'm here today. I'm tagging along in the casting. I wanna support my friend." He side hugged me.

"Appreciate it a lot." I fully turned around to hug him fully.

Suddenly Sunwoo's phone rang.

"Dad?" "I'll tell her, yeah." "Okay, we're coming down."

"What did he say?" I asked concerned he didn't call me instead.

"He told me to tell you to pick up your phone otherwise... And also that he'll be down in 5 minutes. Wear your shoes and let's take the elevator. So many dance practices, I can't walk anymore."

We shared a laugh and as I was told, I wore my shoes and we waited until my manager pulled up.

"Y/n, this is the last time I called you and you didn't pick up the phone. I'm so worried every time. Anything could happen to you and I wouldn't know." My manager scolded me while looking through the car mirror because I was on the back seat with Sunwoo.

"I'm sorry. We got caught up in a conversation. It won't happen again." I pulled my finger out for a pinky promise which I sealed with my best friend since he was driving in front of us.

"Why does it have to be Sunday again?" I asked as I was curious.

"Beats me! The one I got in contact with was so annoying. That lady refused to book an appointment any other day. It had to be today, specifically." Mr. Kim responded with a frown.

"He'd so rather be at home watching The Walking Dead with mom." Sunwoo whispered to me and we laughed.

I got serious again when my phone started vibrating.

I took a look at the call ID and I felt a weird wave of comfort and discomfort at the same time looking at the contact "My girl<3".

"Should I not pick it up? Or would that be very self sabotaging my relationship?" I asked Sunwoo in panic.

"I don't know, but do something, your ringtone is ear bleeding." And that was it, it stopped ringing.

"I'll call her after the casting. Let's hope she doesn't get mad." I sighed and got out of the car, as we reached our destination.

The building was rather small, you wouldn't guess it was an office.

When we reached the correct floor, it was the moment for Sunwoo and his father to let me on my own.

"Okay Y/n, it's your own decision to make. An advice I would give you would be to negotiate. Try to get the most out of this job, if you choose to work with the producers." My manager reminded me and gave me an encouraging hug.

"Get that money Y/n!" Sunwoo hugged me too and they both left.

I looked around a bit in the hall, trying to understand the environment.

This was not my first job, but it didn't stop me from being anxious. Could it be that the role was not completely imaginary?

I didn't realize I was going back and forth until I accidentally stepped on someone in front of me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get in your way." I bowed to the slightly shorter girl in front of me.

"It's alright. I wasn't really focused either. If it weren't you it would definitely be me." We chuckled.

"Are you here for a job? I don't think I've seen you before." She spoke.

I was slightly bent down to her face level in order to hear what she the girl was saying. She was wearing a black face mask, so it was a challenge to hear her clearly, additionally to her rather low and deep voice.

"Well, you could say so." I replied, feeling more relaxed to have a conversation with someone after feeling so anxious.

"Makes sense, I would remember you. You do look kind of familiar though. Never mind, it could be my imagination." She denied her first sentences.

"Actually-" I was about to tell her who I was since she was probably a staff here that hadn't been informed about me until a door opened in front of us and someone looked through.

"Inseong, are Park Y/n and Kim Minji here?" Someone from even further than the door asked.

"Present." The girl next to me responded and greeted that Inseong before going in the office.

author: okay I really did forget that I had a draft to publish here. Anyway love y'all

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