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Y/n's pov:

Today I woke up and as messy as someone can be, I threw some clothes on myself before going to my car.

Yes I do own a car. Surprising right? Lately I have been using either my feet or Mr.Kim for moving around.

That's not the case today. I really wanted to make it up to Haewon and as a morning surprise, I visited a small flower shop 5 minutes away from home and got her some of her favourite roses. White roses specifically.

I was anxious on the ride to the Nmixx dorm since they must have woke up to get to practice. That's why I wanted to be early, because I didn't want Haewon to get in trouble.

I parked my car on the nearest parking and went up the stairs. I knocked on the door and Kyujin was the one to greet me and she seemed surprised to see me there.

"Y/n unnie!" She smiled.

"Hey! Is Haewon awake yet?" I asked her and she shook her head negatively.

"You can go wake her up, she hasn't been out of her room since yesterday." Kyujin said and I got worried that I really got her disappointed.

"I'll go wake her up and give her these. Take one too." I took a rose out and gave it to her as she laughed.

"Thank you! She's gonna love them for sure." Jiwoo came out of their shared room too and we quickly greeted each other as I quietly got in the room, not wanting to wake up Bae or Sullyoon.

Haewon had her head buried on the pillow, so her hair was messed up all over.

"Haewon, baby wake up." I whispered and she just hummed, still asleep.

My next attempt was making her hair a bit, because she would be very warm under it.

I wish my luck was better and I didn't try to do this. Hell I wish I didn't even come here. I should have just stayed at home.

"A hickey..." I mumbled to myself as I saw the dark purple mark behind her neck.

"A fucking hickey..." I was in denial.

Haewon wouldn't cheat on me right?  She loves me, right?

Idiot. Idiot. This says otherwise damn it.

I quickly picked up the roses and left the dorm without even saying goodbye to the other members.

I tried to keep my composure while driving, so I wouldn't get into an accident.

I still had time to go to work but the crew of the series was already on set so I drove directly to the set. I wouldn't wanna cry my eyes out.

When I arrived, I got into the bathroom real quick and locked the door before I started sobbing on the ground.

I was still holding the roses, out of anger I threw them on the wall with so much strength that I could see some petals falling separately from the rest of the flowers.

I took out my phone and blocked Haewon's number almost immediately after calming down a bit.

Tears kept rolling as my face was buried on my knees. My moment was ruined when I felt a knock on the door.

I quickly wiped my tears and opened. The bathroom wasn't private after all, I wasn't just gonna let the person bang on the door.

When I opened the door I got surprised.

"Look, look, look." She had her usual smirk on her face making the whole room light up.

"Minji, hello." I tried to sound as normal as possible but my voice sounded so broken, like my vocal cords were stretched like a guitar.

"Are you okay? Your voice is weird. And your eyes! They're red." She asked in a worried tone as she closed the door behind her, locking it in the process.

"Yeah! I'm okay. Just, silly things." She didn't sound to convinced but I appreciated that she didn't push me further and just gave me a big hug.

"It's gonna be alright. Whatever happened, it's okay. And whoever hurt you isn't worth it. You deserve better than crying in here." She whispered and rubbed my back to calm me down.

After hearing these words I cried even harder. I hadn't been reassured in a long time. At this point I think I had made her t-shirt wet with my tears.

We stayed like that for a bit longer. She was so patient and didn't let go even when I couldn't stay still from crying so much.

I wiped whatever was left on my face and thanked her for being here with me at a moment like this.

"I'm okay now. I'll go, you wanted to use the bathroom anyway. Thank you." I thanked her with a shaky voice before trying to go.

"Stop telling me you're okay. It's better to tell the truth at least. You don't realize it but it makes you automatically feel better than lying and saying you're fine." She said after grabbing my hand.

I nodded and she spoke again. "Hold my hand. It's gonna be fine." She whispered again before opening the door for us to leave.

The director was having a conversation with the producer across us and thankfully neither of them batted an eye.

The crew members were fixing the gear and as time passed me and Minji didn't really talk but we kept our hands glued to each other's as we waited to get our makeup and hair done.

Time to put my poker face on. Shouldn't be difficult, it won't be the first time right? But how can I be the same after this heartbreak?

author: bro fucked up. Also can I talk bout how much I hate using the korean terms in an English story? like unnie sunbaenim and all sound so silly, but it's not the same without them

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