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Y/n's pov:

After filming for so many hours some intense scenes to build up the tension between the two characters, it was finally over.

I turned over to Minji, who was silently just staring at nothing.

"Empty mind huh?" I tried to talk to her.

"Well, kinda. I'm so tired. And I have go back alone. My manager hasn't been back since yesterday." She closed her eyes.

"Hey, don't fall asleep here. Want me to take you home? Or even better. Wanna sleep over at mine? We'll go together for filming. And I kinda like being around you, you're nice company." At this sentence she smiled.

"Oh my gosh, sorry, I didn't wanna make it sound pervy. I'm not—" I tried to reason so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"Don't sweat. I know what you mean. I'll have to ask my manager and tell my members if that's bound to happen. I don't know if you need to tell anyone something, but I'll do. So take your time too." She smiled and got up to call her manager.

A few moments later, she returned with the same smile on her face, if not wider. "Let's go."

She grabbed my hand and we got out of the dark studio.

"The sun hasn't set yet. It's weird." I commented and wore my mask.

"Right?" She agreed and I guided her to my car before opening her door and then returning to mine.

My parents raised me to be a gentlewoman, I'll do this for everyone. Lover or friend.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Minji as my eyes were glued to the road.

"No, I'm okay. I had lunch late." She said but she got exposed when her stomach started making some noises.

"I think this proves otherwise. I'm gonna cook us something, I'm hungry too." I told her with a chuckle.

We didn't talk for the rest of the ride, instead, I blasted some music and we just went on with humming the melodies.

"I haven't seen you sing a lot." I commented.

"Well, my members fit more our songs regarding the singing voice. If it's a faster pace or kind of a rap I get the parts."

"Well, I do certainly love your voice. When you were singing along the songs we were listening to yesterday, you sounded really nice. Just like Ha—"

I was about to say her name when I remembered that I shouldn't. I did just great today. Well... Except for a few moments.

"Park Y/n focus!"

"Do this scene again. Y/n looks empty."

"Y/n fix your expressions!"

"Did she forget her lines?"

Okay, maybe it didn't go as well as I thought.

We arrived at my house and she looked surprised.

"Woah. You live all alone? I thought we were the same age. How can someone so young afford this.."

I have to be honest. Most of the money spent for this apartment was given by my parents. But I started repaying them when my jobs started to be successful. And that's exactly what I told Minji.

"Go leave your shoes next to the door. I'm gonna give you a pair of slippers. By the way, come with me. I'll give you a tour." She followed me and I explained to her briefly about anything she might need in a night, such as the bathroom, the towels.

"And here's my room. Your room for tonight."

"Huh? Where are you gonna sleep?" She asked me surprised.

"On the couch, obviously." I laughed lightly.

I remember my mom sending my dad to sleep on the couch every time one of her friends came over from other towns.

He'd always make jokes about how he needs to be a gentleman and how he loved seeing my mom happy to kick him out of their bed. How she was she was laughing with her friend for hours, while he was trying to sleep.

"What? Y/n, I'll sleep on the couch. It's your house." She tried to reason while I kept shaking my head in disapproval.

"You're my guest. Please accept this. I'll feel very bad if you sleep on the couch." I tried to act a bit broken and sad so she would finally accept it and sleep there.

"Okay fine. But. If you want this to be fair, you're also gonna sleep here." She gave me a look and I couldn't help but laugh and nod.

We left my room and arrived at the kitchen, where all the magic would unfold.

I took out my utensils and boiled some pasta, so I could make a quick carbonara with some heavy cream and bacon that I found on my fridge.

While all this was happening, I told Minji to grab some of my pj's, since the decision to come over was so rushed and she didn't bring anything but her phone.

"You look cute." I commented after taking a look at her in my silk white pj's.

"Why, thank you. They fit me well. I'll steal some other clothes of yours some time." She teased me by saying a line of our series.

My character's best friend was supposed to be dating one of Minji's character's friends. So we we're stuck with hanging out with them, and watching them flirt and cover each other in cheesy lines like this one.

We both laughed and commented some things on today's filming, just to give each other some feedback while the pasta was boiling.

"You did a great job today. Even though you had your problems you did just fine. I'm proud of you." She patted my head and I suddenly found myself blushing over this gesture.

"And you look much better now." She continued.

"Well, yeah. Helps that I have amazing company." I smiled and took off the boiled now pasta before putting them in the mix of ingredients I created.

I also cut some green salad as a side dish, since Minji is probably on a diet and it's my cheat day.

"Hope my cooking doesn't disappoint." I said as I set the table.

Before we could sit on the chairs to eat normally, my bell rang.

I was trying to ignore it and have a peaceful dinner but it kept annoying us.

"Maybe you should open up. What if it's important?" I thought no one important would wanna bother me but I was wrong.

"What the fuck? What is happening here?" She walked over and saw Minji immediately.

"Haewon what are you doing here?"

author: of course she was there, interrupting their little date

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