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Y/n's pov:

Last night, as planned, Mr.Kim came over with his wife for dinner that I cooked. A short while later Sunwoo also arrived, sweaty from practice.

I misjudged him, he was practicing for the event he would be attending today. Which is coincidentally the same event Minji was practicing for. With Nmixx.

Sunwoo took the initiative and invited me to the event, Vip guest and then I would go meet him backstage so we could hang out later.

This morning however, work was what occupying me, unfortunately.

Me and Minji were supposed to film the panthouse scenes. Thankfully not at my house, we've seen this too.

Mr.Kim arrived at my house to pick me up and dropped me off at the filming set, where he observed my work with the producer and the director.

"Hyeon you can't do this! My father will be looking for me! You're practically kidnapping me!"Minji yelled and hit my chest with all her strength. I wrapped my hands around her so her movements would be limited from that point on.

"Come on Yejin, you're acting as if you couldn't leave if you wanted already. The door isn't even locked, were just inside." Then she stopped.

We were looking at each other's eyes and created the tension needed before the camera rolled around us, filming every inch of our collided bodies, then focused on me again.

"You're saying you want to leave but you're still here." I wrapped my left hand around her neck, since the other was on her waist.

"I wonder why." I whispered. Silence took over and some light music started playing, creating the suspense for the viewer.

Minji, or in her role, Yejin. She sighed before shaking her head with a confused and unbelievable face, wondering what's getting over her.

That was until she captured my lips. Our height difference was almost non existent so our faces practically eating each other would look like every teenager kissing their loved one.

The kiss was long and sweet. When we pulled away we were both breathing heavily. And god, did Minji know how to kiss. That was one of the best kisses of my life.

The camera rolled a bit around us before the cut.

"CUT!" The director yelled.

"Amazing chemistry. And to think they didn't know each other before all this? I'm impressed." The producer noted and looked at the monitor.

Me and Minji looked at each other with a soft look after being complimented.

The next scene consisted of me, on my bed, after Yejin had already left "my panthouse".

I kept rolling under the covers, sighing and tapping my hands around.

I needed to look like I was thinking about the kiss. It wasn't even difficult. I really was thinking about it.

Minji's lips were so soft, softer than they look when she speaks. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't skip a few beats.

"Cut!" The director yelled again and that was the moment it all ended for today.

I didn't catch Minji. She needed to leave and go practice once again, I guess. It's probably about that event.

Me and Mr.Kim left shortly after, allowing me to chill at home and grab something to eat.

To be honest? I was lazy enough to just order something online, instead of cooking anything. My fridge was almost empty, anyway.

I ordered some tteokbokki and took a shower, long enough to not even wait for my order. My bell rang the moment I finished drying my hair.

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