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Y/n's pov:

Of course I knew who Minji was. This girl has been trending all over the internet since Newjeans debuted.

It would be silly to hide that I find her pretty. I mean, don't we all? Idols debut under some standards. Vocals, rap, dance... but sadly if you don't have the visuals, you will definitely not survive this evil industry.

Kim Minji was one of the idols with the pretty privilege. Out of every category that comes to mind when you think of an idol, the only one she has been praised for is her visuals.

I may not be a massive name in the industry among other people, more specifically idols, but I do have the knowledge to judge who has abilities and who doesn't.

Choosing an idol to act while they barely have the qualities to make a name other than a pretty face makes me think that this job is a joke.

"So, Y/n as you have been contacted, this job is about a GL role. Any other actress I have casted hasn't given me the right vibe, the passion. This is how we came to you." The producer began explaining.

"Your acting skills have been impressive for your age, which is the same as your potential co-worker, over there." He was obviously referring to Minji, but I was too focused on him to even look at her.

"Thank you sir, it means a lot to me that my skills are appreciated." I politely replied. I have always loved being praised for my acting.

I don't tend to seek validation, but in such industry, with many other talented figures, it is exactly what I need to hear sometimes.

"I would like you to read the preview of the plan first, before jumping into the scripts. It would be a shame to waste our time unproductively if you're not interested." The man chuckled slightly.

My eyes were scanning through the paper, surprised someone still uses this material instead of PDF files on laptops for these matters.

Judging by the preview, I can see why the producer wants passion. It may seem like a plain high school romance at first sight, but I can recognize some sort of action and romance going on at the same time, maybe?

The paper was full of questions but that's what made me even more curious, so I just kept reading while the room had fallen completely silent.

The story is about a girl named Yejin, living a normal, boring school life. That's until the sought after and infamous Hyeon transfers to her school for unknown reasons.

Yejin was supposed to only care about her academics, as she had promised her famous and strict father but her heart keeps chasing the forbidden.

After all, isn't the forbidden the sweetest?

My eyes left the paper and finally the deadly silence broke.

"The preview is very interesting in my opinion. I have to admit, the high school romance is a bit overused as a concept. However in this case, I feel like it is different. The plot itself will unveil slowly, so the viewer is interested and watches more and more, even when new episodes haven't been played yet." The producer gave me an insight to his work.

"I have to agree with that. Even right now, that I just took a look at the preview, it makes me wanna watch it." I admitted, slowly turning to look at the girl across me, who was silently observing the whole scene in front of her.

"So Y/n, should we proceed with arranging another meeting for the scripts?" He asked, his eyes begging me to accept.

"Yes sir, I would like that. But my question is, for which role am I exactly auditioning for? The main leads are two." A smile appeared in his face as he turned to Minji.

"Minji has been observing the scripts for some time now. The role she is supposed to have is Yejin.
She is a typical example of what a high school girl would dream to be like. A relatable character." He explained as Minji nodded her head in my direction.

"I suppose then I am for Hyeon." I thought out loud.

"That's right. Your role is supposed to be strong but not ruthless. A villain but a villain, for real?" He questioned himself as a sign for me to understand better.

I was amazed at how this role would suit me. Would it be too bad that I can already picture myself like that? The "but a villain,for real?" part gives me the impression I'm not gonna be an actual villain but at the same time, I will.

"My manager will get in contact with you about the details for the next meeting. I hope we can have a deal." I got up from my seat.

The producer got up too and offered me a handshake, which I didn't refuse.

"Minji, how do you feel about working together with Y/n?" He suddenly asked as Minji got up too.

"I look forward to it. She seemed determined while scanning the preview paper." She responded professionally with a small smile appearing as our eyes meet.

"That's the spirit. You both can do now." He signaled as Inseong, the guard opened the door to dismiss us.

"So Park Y/n." The same deep voice as before stated.

"Park Y/n." I bowed, formally introducing myself while she did the same for herself.

"I hope we really can work together. Out of every actress the producer has dragged me to see, you're the most determined and confident."

"Thank you Minji. I hope the next meeting goes as well as this one. Oh, I also hope he doesn't call you back for my audition. I feel like you've been here many times." I tried to brighten the mood after the serious introduction.

"You have no idea." We shared a laugh and parted our ways, because her manager was already waiting for her along with her groupmates, probably for another schedule.

Poor Minji, must be difficult living a practically double life. Being friends with Sunwoo and dating Haewon has made me realize that being an idol is really not as enjoyable as everyone wants it to be.

It's a stressful full-time job. Now imagine working both as an actress and an idol simultaneously.

Now that I remembered... I need to call my girlfriend, before Mr. Kim and Sunwoo arrive.

author: what do y'all think about the preview of the series? isn't it interesting? this chapter might not have been filled with Minji interactions but I need to build it up.

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