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Minji's pov:

The whole time we were on break I was trying to approach Y/n and talk to her about the night before and the kiss.

Every time I attempted to make small talk she would cut it and leave me.

Was she that drunk that she doesn't remember she kissed me? If that's the case, it's making me mad. Really mad.

How can she be so careless? Going around and kissing people and then not remembering anything.

She was sitting on the next corner of the set right now, with her manager.

I was about to leave until I caught her looking at me. I returned her stare and she quickly shifted her eyes to her manager.

I took a deep breath and went over. I tapped Y/n's shoulder and she scoffed before responding with a cold "what is it?". I was bummed. Does she not know what has happened at all?

"Can you come over for a second?" I asked her and suppressed my anger.

"Uh I have to do something right now, actually." She said and turned her attention elsewhere.

"You don't have anything to do." Her manager said and she frowned before coming with me.

"What do you want?" She asked me and crossed her arms.

"Are you for real? Do you know what you did last night?" I asked her angry but still hoping she remembered.

I wanted to at least know that she hadn't done this for shit and giggles. Because I couldn't sleep all night thinking about her.

"What did I do last night?" She asked with a confused face, almost unbothered.

"Nothing, just normal things. You came over drunk and made out with me." I shouted and that's the moment she looked at me with a softer look.

"I know. I'm sorry. It was a mistake. Won't happen again." She finally admitted. So, she does remember but simply didn't wanna talk about it?

"Mistake? That's all?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Yes. What did you expect? And I have a girlfriend. Let's not bring it up anymore. It was simply just because I was drunk and I missed her." She gave me a smile and left.

Is she serious?

Y/n's pov:

Liar. It was not a mistake.

She seemed mad for someone that basically rejected me. But then again, I have a girlfriend.

It really wasn't a mistake, but maybe my feelings for Haewon, my now girlfriend again were well hidden until I kissed another person.

"You need to stop spacing out,you know?" Manager Kim reminded me and I quickly found my sight again.

"As I was saying, you have to film 4 episodes. If they're successful, there might be a second season. That's amazing for you."

"Uh yeah, amazing." I replied, not having heard a word.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, right?" He asked and I nodded as he facepalmed and told me to get lost.

I went to get my makeup done for the next scene of episode 3.

The author hasn't really made me show my acting skills, but that's not the point of the story.

Now, I need to actually make an effort to keep my job and be professional.

Me and Minji both took one last look on our scripts and then took positions.

"Scene... start!" The director yelled and the cameras started rolling.

We were in my apartment. On my couch, Yejin was sat on my lap and playing with a few strands of my hair. I absolutely loved it.

"We can't do this." She suddenly got up.

"We can't but why do we keep going back and forth?" I asked her and also got up.

"Hyeon my dad will kill me." She tried to explain.

"Last time I checked I had much more power than him. Apart from him being involved with politics, there's nothing he can do that I can't Yejin." It's been days and she still hasn't accepted her feelings.

"You know it. Hyeon, I do have feelings for you. I really do. Every time I see you I want to wrap my hands around your neck and choke you. But again... there's this part that doesn't seem to be able to let you go. I love your attention." She said while looking into my eyes.

"You're making it over dramatic." I sighed.

"Cut!" The director yelled before coming over to me.

"Y/n what was that? There's no "you're making it over dramatic" in the script. Stick to this instead of making up your own. You're not that talented to take over me." He rolled his eyes before turning his back.

"That's not true and you know it. Y/n is very talented and she was actually right. It was over dramatic." The usual deep voice said behind me and surprised everyone.

"You're not the boss here. And you're just as bad as her." The director told Minji as I started to feel myself grow angrier every second that was passing.

"Don't you dare disrespect her again. The last time I went through social media she was all over the internet while you're just a lucky director. Think before you speak again. We're the moneymakers here." I told this guy off and saw him rolling his eyes before smashing the plaque on the floor.

"Filming is over for today. And Kim, tell your little girl that if she doesn't apologise, she'll be getting the silent treatment and look silly without directions." I then saw Mr.Kim getting up.

"You know, Y/n is a smart woman, not a girl and she knows how to treat others with respect so I don't blame her for defending Minji. And, she does amazing even without directions. She can prove it."

I smiled widely, knowing that this man had been by my side all along and knew my abilities.

I then turned to Minji who gave me a small smile before we both shifted our eyes to the director who left the set.

A moment of silence passed before we started laughing. "What an asshole. I would never say this to a woman." The producer said behind the screen.

"I guess filming is over." He continued and we all got ready to leave the set.

I wanted to go but my legs led me directly to where Minji was. The dressing room.

I knocked the door and waited until the usual "yes" when someone knocks was heard and I got in.

"Hey Minji. Thank you for defending me there. It means a lot." I genuinely smiled.

After probably fucking up our last conversation I didn't wanna come off strong.

"You know it's true. And thank you, for defending me too." She also took her turn to thank me before we got silent.

"Minji." I took her attention.

"Nothing, I forgot it." I didn't. I wanted to talk to her again normally, like we were before I stupidly kissed her. But there was no turning back.

author: hi everyone

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