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Y/n's pov:

The morning came by and my head was buried on the pillow. My right hand roamed around the side of the bed that Haewon was supposed to be sleeping and found no one.

I checked the time and I was sure, that she was at practice.

I wore my slippers and did my morning routine before going to the kitchen, like I do every morning.

I was about to open the fridge when I saw a yellow sticky note.

Good morning baby,

I had practice and you looked very peaceful to be woken up so I'm leaving you this note instead of my presence.

I prepared the coffee machine already, just press the button and you'll get your latte. Have fun at your parents' today.

Love you<3

I chuckled at the note but something felt different. I wasn't feeling butterflies or anything like I would do before. I wasn't feeling the need to text her and tease her. I didn't feel like I wanted to talk to her.

"So weird..." I mumbled to myself before activating the coffee machine like Haewon instructed in the note.

I made myself a latte and sat on the couch to call my father, whom I'd be meeting today.

"Good morning Y/n. Can I call you later? I have an appointment right now." I agreed and quickly hung up.

My dad is a lawyer so most of his appointments take much time. I wonder if he remembers that we're meeting up today.

I was about to call my mom to remind her about lunch but a text stopped me.

Kim Minji

The producer called me and said we need to take pictures together for a post. Do you have anything to do rn?

Instead of responding to her by text, I called her. Feels like I haven't heard her voice in decades. Is she okay?

"Morning." She picked up.

"Hey Minji, how are you?" I asked her. She sounds so... Lifeless?

"I'm okay. Just woke up, that's why I sound like that." I'm convinced this girl reads my mind.

"Oh that's nice. So about the pictures thing... where should we meet? Are you in the dorms?" I asked her, feeling that the conversation was uncomfortable.

"Can you meet me at the practice room? I'll tell the reception I'm waiting for you. Just bring your ID. It's room 5, third floor." I just hummed in response before telling her I'd meet her shortly.

I got ready and called my manager.

"Good morning Mr.Kim, the producer informed Minji about taking promotion pictures for the series today. I'm just gonna meet her for a while." I announced while I got my clothes out of the closet.

"Okay. I suppose you'll go alone. I approve, promoting the series will do a great job beforehand. Take a look at "The Gap". It had such an audience." We talked a bit more, after I put him on speaker, since I needed to get dressed.

I took my car and rode to the Hybe building, where I showed my ID to the receptionist who took me to the NewJeans practice room.

I quietly opened the door and the only person inside was Minji. Where are the other members?

"Hey. I... brought you coffee." I broke the silence and she turned from the screen to me with a small smile.

"Thank you. Let's get to work? I have to go back to the dorms." She sternly told me and I immediately took this as a sign to take my phone.

"Okay so, no touching. For the first pictures at least." I said, hoping to not overstep her boundaries.

"Sounds good." She replied and we smiled as we posed for a few selfies.

"Would you mind if I touched your shoulder?" She asked me and I hesitantly nodded.

We're back to stage one. Since we started working together, we didn't have any awkward moments or this stage of basic touches. She slept over at my house, for God'a sake.

But then again, I kind of brushed her off like a complete asshole. I shouldn't have behaved like that.

When posing for the pictures was over and we sent everything to our managers to decide which ones to post, I tried to think of something to talk with Minji.

"Hey Minji, I'm sorry for acting like an ass yesterday." I apologised in the silence, hoping that she would hear me.

"Well, you were an asshole. But, I accept the apology. And things are awkward right now, they shouldn't be." She replied following her sigh.

"Yeah, they shouldn't. Honestly, I never wanted to make you feel invalidated or not give an explanation." I tried to tell her but I could tell she wasn't really interested in hearing me saying the same all over again.

"Friends?" She asked and raised her pinky finger.

"Friends..." I reluctantly locked my pinky with hers.

Minji's pov:

Maybe Hanni was actually right.

Approaching her as friends and then getting close is really the way to get over it if I just can't accept being away from her.

I'm not the kind of person to ruin relationships. If having her around means friends, let it be friends.

author: friends

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