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Y/n'a pov:

This was not the morning I was waiting for...

"Okay now, you woke up, took an aspirin and all." Sunwoo sat on the couch I was laying on.

"I suppose you didn't make a move last night, you  didn't call me." He continued.

"Can we please not talk about it? And to answer your question, I made a move and I fucked up." I placed my head on my hands and frowned at the memory.

"She fucking shut the door on my face." I mumbled.

"After the kiss I think I still love Haewon." I announced.

"What the hell no you don't." He replied with a weirded out face.

"You know what? I shouldn't have kissed Minji in the first place. I almost hooked up with my ex. This means I still love her. And she said she's sorry." I started rethinking my choices.

"I also tell you I'm sorry when I eat your jelly worms but I'm not,look how easy it is to lie." He replied almost offended that I was about to take my ex back.

"I'll text her to meet me." I exclaimed and took my phone to unblock her number, completely ignoring Sunwoo.

"Oh my god, she replied immediately." I smiled.

"You're insufferable, call me again when you rethink this terrible choice. I gotta go, Changmin and Younghoon asked me to hit the gym together." He patted my shoulder and left.

I sighed and thought about the text I sent to Haewon. She's really coming over in a while.

I saw the time and thought of how long it would take to reach the filming location.

It sucks that Minji shut the door on my face. Was it that much of a disappointment? Maybe she simply doesn't like me.

She never showed any signs of liking me romantically anyway. But on the other hand why do I even care? It's obvious that Haewon is the one I keep chasing.

That's it. The bell I was waiting for. She's here.

"I came as soon as you texted me." Haewon shut the door the same way Minji did to me, but she was inside. Smiling and holding my hands.

"Y/n you have no idea how much I've missed you. Please give me a chance. I promise I won't ruin it again. With Lily it was an act of jealousy at first... I wanted to see your reaction, then she started flirting with me and I just... ugh I don't know. But my heart is only for you Y/n." She explained with tears on her cheeks.

My hand found its way on her face, wiping her tears and contemplating whether I should lean in or run away again.

This doesn't feel right but my heart is somehow tied.

"This is the last time we're talking about this. You cheat again and you'll never see me again. That's a promise." She wrapped her arms around me before kissing me.

It was a nice kiss sure, but I didn't miss her since I saw her yesterday. It all feels like I'm used to this.

"Let me drop you at the dorm, I have filming." I announced and took my bag.

"Y/n?" I hummed in response expecting something normal like "when will you get off work?", but instead she asked "the girl that was here when I came over was NewJeans Minji right?"

I shut my eyes for a moment before replying with a bitter "yeah she's my co-worker."

She weirdly enough did not respond to that. I expected a scene or something. Maybe she really does make an effort.

"Y/n, get your makeup done immediately. You were late." The director sternly said focused on the monitor screen.

"How did he even see me?" I thought to myself and made my way to the hair and makeup room where the last person I wanted to see was sitting on the chair across the door, scrolling on her phone.

"Good morning Y/n, you look as good as ever." My makeup artist complimented me.

"Thank you Yerin, same goes to you." I smiled and sat on my seat as I waited for her to collect the makeup supplies.

When I was looking at the mirror I couldn't help but notice Minji glaring at me from her point of view. What's her deal?

When I got ready I was ready to film the school scene with Minji.

She was sitting across my desk and was supposed to take notes.

"Yejin. Yejin!" I tried to catch her attention but she was not having it.

"Mrs. Baek! I'm feeling a bit sick, would it be a problem if I sat outside for a bit. I promise I'm not faking it." Great liar.

"Sure Hyeon. I just have to make sure you're actually here for any problems, I know you wouldn't skip." She smiled sweetly.

"I guess Yejin can go with you. She's the class president." Mrs.Baek bit her cheek before Yejin turned my way and waited for me and her get out of class.

The moment the door behind us closed and everyone was obviously thinking I was sick I sped up to get out of the school building and sit under a tree at the entrance.

While I was walking Yejin also sped up with me.

"You've fucked Mrs.Baek too right?" She asked with a glare as I smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Right. Daddy rules the town, you can get away with anything." She sounded offended, jealous even?

"Why, are you jealous? It could be arranged. None of our teachers had any complaints" I pushed her to her limit.

"Literally shut the fuck up. You disgust me. I told you once,twice and I'll keep telling you. I don't mess with families like yours. You're dangerous." She exclaimed, while trying to stop the fumes coming from her ears as we reached the tree.

"Sweetheart, if you gave me a chance I could turn the whole police department against anyone that disrespects you. And that kiss we shared, didn't look like you were in danger, or that I disgust you." I tried to move a strand of hair out of her face. The smirk never leaving my face.

She's stunning. I can't wait to actually be the one to call her mine.

"The police department? There are many rumours going around about you but at this point, I'm starting to believe the mafia one." I chuckled.

"Well you're correct actually. My dad is indeed part of the mafia. And I may have killed someone. Remember that bastard that tried to hit you the day I first arrived at school? Let's just say that he's peacefully watching a Michael Jackson concert right now." She looked shocked.

"What the hell? That's why he hasn't been back? You terrify me. You're insane. Stay the fuck away from me." She stated and I just got closer.

"Yejin, you notice my eyes when I look at you? It's like my world melts. And right now, what I see isn't a terrified girl. It's a very hot and confident woman staying still because she'll fall on the ground if I come any closer to her." I whispered, trying to get a hold of her heartbeat that was rapidly increasing.

When our faces couldn't find any distance she grabbed my face aggressively before smashing our lips together.

I tried to take control of the kiss but she just kept her face in a position that I couldn't switch.

She slipped her tongue in my mouth and held me close.

"CUT!" We heard and I immediately pulled away.

"Great chemistry but Y/n looked scared in that kiss. Do it again." I sighed and looked at Minji who looked pleased.

This is gonna be difficult...

author: y/n just like me returning to exes

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