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Y/n's pov:

"And she's here!" Sunwoo hugged me when me and his parents went backstage.

"So happy to see you actually came!" He exclaimed and pulled away before hugging his parents.

"What do you mean? She was here with you before the show." His mother questioned and  I quickly motioned my eyes to create a quick lie and he caught my sign, thankfully.

"I- I mean to see that she came behind now! I thought she wouldn't!" Oof.

We talked for a bit and then Sunwoo met with The Boyz members for the behind the show pictures and videos, while I waited for him.

I was scrolling on my phone and replying to some comments on my newest post when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Oh, hi Minji. You did amazing back there. My attention was on you all the time." I smiled genuinely and she looked more than pleased with that comment.

"Oh thank you. That was my goal. I just wanted to see you after the show, since I didn't get the chance to invite you myself." She looked down and I immediately felt the disappointment in her tone.

"You have tons of shows, you can invite me to one of them." She chuckled.

"And what if your ex invites you first?" She asked and I bit the inside of my cheek. It still stings.

"She won't." I reassured her but she didn't seem convinced.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have overstepped your boundaries, I'll see you on set." She gave me an awkward wave and turned around to leave before I could say anything.

"You have so much to explain." A male voice was heard behind my shoulder.

"Right. Let's get out of here." He hummed in response and we went to a Korean BBQ place near the venue.

When we sat down and ordered our meat, I started explaining to him everything that has happened these days.

"Let me get this straight. You broke up with Haewon because she was cheating on you." I nodded and he continued.

"Today you also kisses your co star as part of the filming and you couldn't stop thinking about that kiss." I nodded again.

"And then, you told my parents you'd come see me but accidentally almost had sex with your cheating ex girlfriend in the room that the girl you couldn't stop thinking about was supposed to get her makeup and hair done." I shamefully nodded once again.

"And now, you're thinking about taking back Haewon." I nodded again before his face became serious.

It's true, after what happened with Haewon in that damn room, my mind kept drifting over to her and how much I had missed her.

"How fucked up can you be?" He asked, obviously annoyed by the whole situation.

"I have a terrible feeling that you would slap me if we weren't in public." I whispered, didn't want other people to think that my best friend abuses me.

"You're so right. I'm just trying to pull my shit together because you're so weak, dumbfuck."

"Deserved." My lips were on a line.

"My head is just all over the place. I was so in love with Haewon and then found out that... Gosh that hickey on her neck haunted me.

And then Minji, she makes me feel so comfortable and she made me forget about Haewon moments I should have been crying." Sunwoo kept hearing me complain for the rest of the night.

"God that kiss. It was so sweet." My head was a bit fuzzy after the beers we ordered.

"Why are you not telling her all this? Now that you've drank your ass off, you have an excuse if she doesn't feel the same." He suggested.

"The thing I'm afraid of is that I'll forget all about this conversation. And what if she feels the same? I'll just fuck it up."

When I get drunk, I lose control. I may do things that I'm not willing to take responsibility of later and I can't remember a thing.

"Okay okay, let's settle this. If you decide to do it, you will call me and tell me what happened. I'm the first person on your contacts. How wrong could that go?" He tried to reassure me.

"Okay, I'll call you." I nodded and took a cab to Newjeans dorm.

Sunwoo didn't wanna let me drunk with a random driver so I was the one to get off first.

I walked up the stairs, god knows how I managed to do this to myself.

I tripped over 3 times, trying to reach their apartment.

Newjeans are damn idols, why are there no security? I should have been kicked out by now.

When I arrived at the door, the beer effect became 3 times worse.

I started banging on their door before shortly after Minji opened the door.

"Minji! I'm so happy you opened the door. I was looking for you!" I told her with a dopey smile.

"Y/n what's going on? It's 1:00 a.m" She said in a deep voice. Fuck, she was asleep.

"You were sleeping? I'm so sorry! I'll talk to you another time!" I said in panic.

"No, no. You didn't wake me up." She grabbed my arm because I was on the verge of falling down.

"Y/n, you're drunk." She noted and cupped my face to look me in my eyes.

"Oh great you got me. Minji, I need to do something." I pushed her hands away and cupped her face instead.

"I can't believe I'm doing this for real." I came closer to her and our lips were so close, I felt our breaths fanning each other.

"Y/n what are you doing?" She asked and I took the moment to finally kiss her again.

I got the chance to kiss those lips that I missed so much since today morning. How is that possible?

I was about to pull away when she didn't kiss me back but she tightened her grip around me and cupped my left cheek before doing what I was anticipating.

The only moment we pulled away was when we needed to catch out breaths.

"I think this made me sober." I spoke with our foreheads touching.

Minji was about to say something but words didn't leave her mouth.

What caught me by surprise was that she closed the door on my face.

I closed my eyes and started cursing.

"Fuck. Fuck. I shouldn't have done this. Fucking idiot." I went down with disappointment and embarrassment the same stairs I climbed up with overflowing confidence a while ago.

This didn't end well at all...

Minji's pov:

After the kiss I didn't know what to say or do, so I let my intrusive thoughts win and slammed the door without saying a word.

When I finally proceeded what happened I let my legs take the better of me and slid down the door till I was on the floor with the most dreamy smile I could give.

"Are you on your right mind? You closed the door on her face?" Hanni gave me an unbelievable look.

"Doesn't matter. She kissed me. We- we kissed." I was still in denial, my lips hurting from smiling so much.

"Not the first time, not surprised. You haven't shut up about her since the day she bumped on you at the office." Hanni exclaimed and ate some cereals from the bowl she made.

"Hanni, oh my gosh. She kissed me. No cameras, no anything. She freaking kissed me."

"You're going red, I'm getting you a thermometer." She faked a disgusted face before laughing.

"I'm so happy the author finally let the readers see your thoughts. I was going crazy being the one hearing you all day long." She continued.

"Now you're actually right. She should do it more often." We both burst out laughing.

I can't believe my night ended like that.

author: Minji's pov finally

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