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Y/n's pov:

"Hold up. What do you mean there are kissing scenes? Not one, but more." I furrowed my eyebrows.

Haewon is gonna kill me damn it.

"Come on Y/n. I expected you to know this already. The tension between the two characters is clear in the first episode. This is the second episode's script and you're just noticing?" He asked as he set the papers on his desk.

So that means I have to kiss Minji...

It was pretty clear I would take this job,so I offered the producer to give me the script of the other episodes too so that I would get a clear idea of the series.

Of course I have played roles as a love interest, main or second lead but it didn't involve kissing.

It's understandable though that a kissing scene would make the series blow up quicker than a volcano.

Judging by everything that has been said until now, the trailer would involve at least one of these scenes, so it would get hype before its release.

"Where is the contract?" I asked and the producer looked at me mischievously. "Well, that was very quick." He got up and got some papers before signing them with his signature before giving me the pen to sign under his own words.

I looked carefully through the policy before accepting anything, just to make sure I was not signing up for hell or anything.

"The payment is not clear here. Why?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

I never liked people that were vague about their work or the payment I'm getting. They think I don't have a house or other things to pay just because I'm a bit famous already.

The events I keep on attending every month,my job as an Mc for the past months until a month ago, along with my roles have a great amount of money coming my way sure. But were they what I was aiming for? No.

Mr.Kim has always been strict about me demanding the highest payment possible. If I'm doing something, I should be able to get the most of it if I wanna be a star.

"The payment will be based on the impact of the series. The bigger it gets, the higher the payment." He simply replied.

"Bullshit. I want to know right now how much I'm gonna get paid. I'm not agreeing to anything if I don't get what I deserve." I demanded. Okay, maybe it was a bit arrogant, but I'm not just gonna apologize.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, I thought you would know by now. No one pays in advance if they are serious. You may be on high demand but I'm not gonna be the one to lose money, if anything, that's gonna be you." He raised his hands in the air as a sign for me to give up.

He's really putting me on edge... I had a quick talk with my inner self and decided that I would put my guard down for once...

"Okay. I'm signing the contract." I sighed and the producer had an amused look on his face before saying "wise choice. You're a smart one Y/n."

After finishing with the scripts and everything, I immediately called my manager to tell him everything.


"Why the fuck are you on your father's phone, were you playing candy crush?"

"He actually asked me to pick it up since he's getting ready to pick you up. I have dance practice, today I'm the busy one." Sunwoo responded and then my manager got his phone back.

"I got the job." I announced, but with a rather disappointed tone.

"That was quick. Pretty sure today you were supposed to read the first episode's lines."

"Well... My character is supposed to be present, but the main character of the first episode is Minji so not much of a hard time for me. I got the second episode too."

"The producer must really like you. You know you're not supposed to actually know your script before signing the contract."

"Don't get me started on him. He really got on my nerves today. But that's for another time."

"Okay well, I'm picking you up in a few minutes. Don't cause any trouble, I know you when you're mad."

"No need to, I'll walk. Gotta clear my head after everything that has happened today. With Haewon, the producer, all of them combined."

Mr.Kim seemed sceptical but finally let me walk out alone. Being escorted everywhere has been a pain for a long time. But that's just hos job though, even when some say he's not a bodyguard. Isn't he kinda?

I put on my jacket and when I was about to make sure I had my house keys in the pocket a small piece of paper fell out of it and I quickly bent down to grab it before the air could make it fly away.

It was Minji's number. I had completely forgotten about it. Not because it was unessential or something, but because she gave me a piece of paper with it instead of putting her number on my phone.

I grabbed my phone and went through my contacts to add Minji's number while my eyes kept drifting over to Haewon's text from some hours ago. I still hadn't texted her back. Maybe I should? Or is it finally my time to stop being a pussy and let her realize her irrational behavior?

Then, the thought of checking up on Minji went through my mind. She must have a tighter schedule than me, since she went to JYP in the morning.

Also,I actually had to text or call her for her to actually exist in my contacts.

It would be dangerous to walk around while texting so I quickly pressed the green button and dialed her number.

"Hello?" She asked through a heavy breath.

"It's Y/n. Should I call you later? Are you busy?" I asked her concerned about the way she picked up the phone.

I checked the time on top of my phone and the "19:00 p.m" was what I needed to make sure she was indeed at practice.

"Oh, Y/n! No! I'm not busy actually. I was just running around with my members. Playing hide and seek in our break." She replied with a chuckle.

"Did anything happen though? I mean, I didn't expect you to call me. Missed me?" I could feel her smirk through the phone and the teasing made me actually laugh a bit after all that anger.

"Just got out of the producer's office again. I am proud to announce that you're officially my co-star." I returned the energy.

When someone looks happy to see me or teases me, I naturally feel the need to give them similar responses or return their energy.

Getting the opposite treatment had happened in several occasions where Haewon would lash out because of stress and it would make me sad, but I was used to it.

"I'm excited to work with you. You're very fun to be around in general. Even when you're serious looking, you still look delicious, fans will be blown away." The "delicious" comment made me laugh a lot.

"Why, thank you. You already know you're stunning, so I don't know if I should boost your ego." I teased her.

"Hey! I always try to stay modest, but getting you to compliment me is an achievement, not gonna lie." She chuckled as behind her some voices could be heard by the speaker. And that was my queue to hang up.

"Well then, I guess you're very pretty too Minji. Now I don't wanna hold you back from your game. Have fun during your break!" I wished before hanging up as I was close to my house.

I put on some music and continued my way down the street, which was slowly starting to greet the sunset.

author: I feel like my writing has been progressing a lot. Looking back in Purely Pretending, however the plot was interesting, it felt like I was writing an essay for my first English exam. I want some feedback as to how you like my writing tbh

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