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Y/n's pov:

The way I wouldn't have woken up until noon if my annoying alarm wasn't set on 7:00 in the morning.

I rolled over my bed for a while until I realized I was not alone and I immediately kept my hands to myself, afraid of touching her in any way she didn't want.

I opened my eyes in panic and looked over where she gave me the same half surprised, half awkward look I had on my face.

"Good morning. I'm so sorry if I touched you, I tend to act like a cinnamon roll in my sleep." I apologized and she just gave me an eye smile before laughing.

"Cinnamon roll? Really? Also good morning. You looked way too peaceful to be woken up. I've been awake for the past half an hour and you've been sleeping like a baby." She noted.

I don't usually feel sleepy throughout my day. Well, maybe because I drink two or more coffees but something about Minji being around me makes me sleepy.

"You were scrolling on your phone the whole time? I thought I'd be the one to wake you up." I groaned before stretching and getting out of bed to demonstrate my morning skincare routine, which I still hadn't memorized. Perks of being active on social media, I guess.

Minji nodded and got out of bed as well, to wear her clothes.

Today was a day off for me, sadly can't say the same about Minji. Her comeback is getting closer and closer, she needs to practice non stop along with the extra schedule for our common project.

When I got out of the bathroom, Minji was already wearing the clothes she was in yesterday.

We both met each other in the kitchen, because I promised to make breakfast.

"I'll drive you to your dorm when you tell me to. You'll have to change before going to practice." She nodded before yawning.

"I'm sorry I don't talk a lot right now. It's just that even though I'm awake I can't seem to stay up without yawning." She commented and I chuckled at our telepathy again.

"Why are you always on my mind?" I asked and she grinned before responding.

"Oh I'm on your mind? Lucky me, then. I like where I'm standing." We both laughed even though I could feel myself being a little flustered at her remark.

While this whole conversation was unfolding in my kitchen, I was making some delicious pancakes.

The toppings would of course be chosen by my guest. I want her to feel free.

I also made my usual coffee order, along with Minji's order, that I saw on the tag of her cup when she bought for the two of us.

"You made me a caramel latte? How do you know it's my favourite?" She was so pleasantly surprised that I couldn't suppress my smile either.

"Well, I'm more the observant type of person. And attentive, not to mention that I have the patience of a saint."

"Okay, okay this escalated quickly mrs. Green flag. Are you trying to show off?" She asked with a smirk as I did a dramatic pose.

"Never! Just admiring my qualities!" I replied with the same energy, that was filling the room with excitement and life.

I hadn't known Minji for long but she was a person that could light up the room if she wanted, without carrying a lighter. She keeps great company and knows how to take jokes.

"How did you get casted? For acting I mean." I asked, curious about it since we haven't talked a lot on that matter.

"I didn't get casted actually. My company knows people. It's part of my individual activities. The producer liked me and I got selected for the role. I didn't really have a choice to as if I wanted to be an actress simultaneously or not."

"Well, they did an amazing job." Minji looked at me with a raised eyebrow before circling the table and coming next to me with a smirk.

I simply looked at her, with a confused expression.

"Such a cute face. It's a shame I'll ruin it." She grabbed the whipped cream I had on the corner of the table and smashed it on my face.

"Minji! What the hell! What was that for?" I laughed.

"Well, I wanted to make you laugh. I know you're still thinking about yesterday but it seems like I can help you forget." She smirked and created a smiley face on my cheek with the whipped cream.

"You do make me forget. I have to admit that."

author: Do y'all watch R U Next? What's your ideal lineup? If they don't debut mother Jiwoo I'll deadass not stan the group. I'm a proud Jiwoo stan

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