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Y/n's pov:

"What the fuck Y/n? Why is another girl here? Wearing your PJs?" Haewon...

She had the audacity to come here after everything she did. After all the pain I've been through since the morning and I will keep being through.

"None of your business." I got in front of Minji, sensing that she was definitely feeling uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.

"Why did you block me? What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled and I slammed my apartment door. I bet no one wants to hear this crazy shit.

I may live in a panthouse but I still have neighbors.

"Don't act like you don't fucking know." I raised my voice too at this point.

The way she keeps lying makes me feel sick.

"For how long have you been fucking Lily, Haewon?" I asked and I immediately felt Minji's eyes widening behind me.

"What? What are you on?" She asked with a face full of guilt.

"I know everything." I replied in order to get her the fuck away from me.

"Who told you? Jiwoo? Kyujin? Bae? Sullyoon? Who." She asked maniacally.

"What the fuck? Your members knew and didn't tell me anything today that I came over like an idiot to bring you flowers?" I started feeling more furious every moment that passed.

"Look, we're over. You're leaving my apartment this exact moment. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. And what she is doing here is none of your concern since you're simply unimportant right now." It pained me to say the last sentence, but I have self respect.

Haewon took a deep breath and seemed to finally calm down. "Okay. Goodbye Y/n." She said with a shaky voice and left.

When the door closed, the silence hit the whole room and the only thing heard was my heavy breathing.

Minji then appeared in front of me and hugged me as she felt my tears falling again.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked and I nodded, finally wanting to let my guard down and open up to someone.

Minji sat me on the table and then positioned herself on the seat across mine. Her eyes simply looking in mine as I waited a moment to collect myself.

"Okay so... As you have figured out already that's my now ex. Oh Haewon. You probably know her right? Nmixx. She was cheating on me. I don't know for how long and I don't wanna know.It will probably break me.

We were together for quite some time and basically, today that I was a full time crybaby, was the day I found out myself. I was supposed to bring her flowers before getting to the set but my luck was not on my good side..."

I finished and the girl across me simply nodded her head at every pause I made, to gather some fresh air because of my unstable breath.

"Oh wow... I had no idea you even had a girlfriend. And all this information must have too much for you. I'm so sorry. It's good that you have self respect and didn't fall on her trap last minute." She moved her hand to rub mine comfortingly.

"She was so trying to get you to pity her." She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"You read my mind. Look at you, a person I know for such a short time being a better match than my own girlfriend. Correction, ex girlfriend."

"Damn now my appetite disappeared." I groaned and she laughed softly.

"The night is young. Maybe you'll crawl out of bed in the middle of the night and eat. If you do, wake me up too. I'm not gonna eat alone." She joked.

"No way! You need to eat." She shook her head.

"Don't wanna. I insist, we'll do it together if we have to. It feels weird to eat alone suddenly when I live with 4 people." She had a point.

"Fine. I got nothing to say. Do you wanna do anything? I wanna get my mind off Haewon."

"Today me and my members were supposed to have a movie night." I cut her off, catching the hint.

"Movie night it is, then." I got a light blanket, since it was hot, but I had the AC on, so it wasn't Sahara desert either.

Me and Minji sat in a fair distance as both of our eyes were glued to the movie playing.

"When you said movie night it is, I didn't expect you to put on SpongeBob." She commented with a funny smirk.

"Oh shut up. Everyone grew up with SpongeBob." I replied like a happy kid watching its heroes.

"True that." She agreed and we kept on watching the movie I had already watched 5 times already.

When the movie was over, we were both a bit knocked out. Today was exhausting and someone would say that we stayed longer that expected.

At this point Minji was trying to keep her eyes open while I was on the verge of shutting them down for the rest of the night.

But instead of sleeping on suck uncomfy position I got up and Minji followed suit, when she heard me moving.

"Phew. If we didn't wear PJs already we'd both sleep with our working clothes." I commented and yawned as me and Minji got in bed.

"Your bed is comfortable. Might come over more frequently." We laughed for the last time for tonight and said our goodnights before drifting to Dreamland.

author: y/n's single and ready to mingle now?

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