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Y/n's pov:

The air was surprisingly hot tonight. That wasn't making waiting for Minji better. The heat is getting on my nerves.

"Who got you mad again?" Minji asked with a small smile and opened the passenger door.

"Now it's all good. Don't worry about it." And magically, everything disappeared when she showed up.

"So where are we going?" She asked me as she put her belt on and I crossed my arms.

"I mean, I had something in mind but tonight, you decide. Won't see you for days anyway."

"Then, we're gonna stay here." I looked around as to where she located "here" but we were literally in the corner of a soulless street with no lights.

"It has to be the car. Because outside, it creeps the hell out of me." I scoffed and she giggled before nodding her head.

"Yeah your car is comfortable. We could even go on the back seats, more space to sit." She looked behind her seat and nodded her head again, in confirmation of her judgment.

"Uh, yeah sure." I was relieved she said that, I actually have no gas to play around Seoul.

I went outside to open her door from the other side before assisting her to the back seat, like it wasn't a millisecond away. But I felt the need to do that, so I acted on it.

"No alcohol tonight, it will do no good to the driver." She laughed before making herself comfortable.

I laughed with her but deep down I knew she wasn't referring to drunk driving but to doing things I'll refuse to take accountability for, the next day.

"So how are the promotions going? You guys have been doing amazing all over the world. Hit after hit." I asked her with a smile.

"Things have been going smoothly. We get paid, do our thing and still have our fun as teenagers. Well, some of the members. I'm not a teenager anymore." She giggled.

"It feels like something is missing though, none of us are in relationships, there's a spark that was gone the moment we started gaining attention." We made eye contact and my face dropped suddenly.

"Yeah, Haewon was like that too. I mean, I haven't verified, but you know." I wanted to give her something relatable but the reaction I caught her giving was the opposite.

She tried to hide her eye roll but failed so miserably. She really despises Haewon huh?

"You seem to have lost your spark too. Your eyes are... dead. You are not glowing with happiness. A woman who knows her worth glows differently when she is being treated properly and loved the right way."

I took a deep breath and tried to change the topic. "Now how did we get to that? There are much more interesting topics to talk about."

"And who are you going to open your heart to? You look like you've been lying about being happy." She insisted with a look of determination on her face.

"I could have opened my heart but I messed up. So it doesn't matter anymore. And if I wanna be honest, I really did lose my spark." I scoffed and I felt her hand lightly tracing mine.

"You know, if you are unhappy, you need to end things, however stupid this sounds. Obviously anyone would say that, but the action itself can be heartbreaking even when you are over the other person." I continued and started getting  flashbacks of every moment I spent on being toxic with Haewon instead of actually going for people that cared about me in a pure way rather than an obsessive one.

"If you want to feel joy again, then you'll do it without them. It can take time, but you will get over it. Sometimes it's the comfort of the routine we don't want to give up instead of the actual person." Minji stated. It sounds like she had to do it at some point in her life.

"Were you together for long?" I asked her, trying to get her to open up to me a bit more.

"Yeah. 2 years. Things ended not long before the group was formed." I nodded and she took the signal to continue.

"I still feel like things could have gone differently if I wasn't a trainee at the time, but I wouldn't actually go back to her. She was so sweet in the beginning. It felt like a dream come true to have found "love" then. But soon, she started being controlling and things would get out of hand whenever we fought."

"Going no contact was the best decision and now I am ready to do my thing again. It was a matter of time. I found someone who could potentially be my ticket but, never mind. She wouldn't want that." She finished with a deep sigh.

"Sounds like you still get emotional talking about it." I voiced, almost in a whisper, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere.

"Would you believe me if I said it's relief?" She raised her head and asked.

"Probably not. If my girlfriend talked like this about her past relationship I would feel even more insecure  than I already am. Getting a cheater back was a big mistake, probably the biggest I have made so far." I finally admitted out loud.

"You shouldn't feel insecure. Any girl would be lucky to have someone like you. You just need to figure out who really deserves you." She looked me in the eyes and finally intertwined our fingers.

"The past is always gonna hurt but you need to learn how to let go of if it eventually. And then start focusing on something else rather than the pain."

The tension was out of the world. It felt like things were going how they should have since the night I showed up at the girls' dorm.

It felt morally wrong to emotionally cheat on Haewon, but then again, did she not do the same?

The relationship was destroyed a long time ago. It was natural to not be over her a few days after the break up, so the vulnerability was reasonable. But getting back together with her was not. I was so afraid to break my routine that I stuck to what felt right in the moment of denial.

"Do you have someone in mind that deserves me then, Minji?" I caught her eyes as we both found each other leaning in.

"I might have someone in mind." These were her last words before pulling my face for a deep, loving kiss.

My hands travelled down her back and rested on her waist. She was about to pull away when I positioned my face so that she wouldn't wanna do it.

I could feel her smile when she finally got to slide her tongue inside my mouth after a lot of fighting in there.

Something about the way she was kissing me was driving me insane in ways no person has done before.

"I wanted to do this for so long." She lowly spoke as she pulled away to breath.

Our eyes were still closed, trying to figure out if this was real.

"If all this is a dream, then I don't wanna wake up, ever." I replied with the same tone while stroking her hands.

"And honestly, the one that should be asking who deserves who is me. Your smile brings me so much joy."

"It's insane how obvious your absence is in everything I do alone, in every place I go without you." I was not gonna hide anymore.

Yes, I do like Minji. I am afraid to say the stronger word, even though I know that maybe I should just stop being oblivious and backing away from my true feelings and intentions.

"I... I don't know if I can bring myself to speak it." I suddenly felt my throat going dry at the thought of the word "love".

"It's okay. Everything is okay. Now, it's all good. No matter what you say, all I'm gonna feel is fireworks."

I took a deep breath and finally found my courage again.

"Then I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I might be in love with you, Minji."

author: omg hi

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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