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Y/n's pov:

After dropping Minji at her dorm, I decided to go shopping. Some new clothes would do some good to ease my mind and improve my wardrobe.

I chose some pieces for each occasion. One formal, one more comfy and the rest well... they'll just go whenever I feel like it.

I made a stop at my house to get a choco protein drink that I bought from a local grocery store and then I arrived at the gym, where I'd be spending half my day.

Some people know me, some don't. Either way, I appreciate the people at the gym because they don't stop me to take pictures or anything and just respect my privacy.

I've even made some friends here. Among them the desk person or by her name, Yunah.

Yunah is responsible for the admissions, as well as the people using the machines. She's the one you're gonna ask what a certain machine is about.

When I first joined the gym I was with my father, who encouraged me to start with him to develop a healthy body and build a great relationship with fitness.

Yunah was like me back then. She was with her mother and we would train together because none of us were really keen on gym at the time.

And now she's the one responsible for me.

"Y/n, how unusual seeing you here." She sarcastically commented and I passed her my membership card.

"Yunah, great to see you. Last time I was here Woong said you had called in sick." She gave me back my membership card and circled the desk to come next to me.

"I had a fever. But I can't skip another day, too much money lost. How's your dad? I saw him at the grocery store yesterday but I didn't say hi because I was waiting for the bus." She explained with a smile.

"He's doing fine. Just the same every time you ask about him. How's your mom? I've missed her. She's always so nice." I asked her with the same interest.

"She's been great. She's actually coming to the gym today, maybe you'll see her later." I smiled and drank some of my drink.

"I'm gonna go now. I don't wanna distract your work either. Hit me up some time, I'd love to catch up outside." She agreed and waved at me before I went directly to my favorite leg machine.

One thing about me? I'll never skip leg day.

Hours and hours passed, I still had so much energy. Almost as if I wanted to impress someone.

I finally stopped my training and went directly to dry myself and catch my breath before doing anything else.

I took my phone on my hands and by instinct pressed on my calls to see if Haewon had called me.

Reality hit me again and I shook my head before putting my phone on my bag to leave the gym. I need an immediate shower.

"Your mom didn't come, did she?" I asked Yunah on the desk.

"So much to see my mom, you're never excited to see me. I'm so hurt." We both laughed.

"No cause seriously, she always cancels. I'll have to cut her membership to teach her a lesson." We bid our goodbyes and I called Sunwoo on the way to my car but he obviously didn't pick up.

If someone had a gun on my head and said "call your closest friend and you'll stay alive if they pick up", I'd be dead.

Then, I called her manager. He had been awfully quiet these days. Well, if I hadn't cancelled everything he does for me,then maybe he would say something.

She got in her car and connected her phone to her Bluetooth in the car, so she could drive and not be on the phone at the same time.

"Hey Y/n, how's everything? Did something happen? Do you need help?" He asked in a worried tone.

"No, no Mr. Kim. Everything is going smoothly, just wanted to call you in for the details recently." I told him and pulled up on the road. Mr.Kim was also my friend in a way after so many things we've been through.

When he first met me, he specialized in child actors, but now he's not only on that, so I'm lucky enough to still have him by my side after years along with his son.

"Me and Haewon broke up." He sighed in what sounded like relief and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. I'm relieved because I don't have to cover up any rumors now. Not because you broke up." How the hell did he know that?

"And now you're wondering how I know you rolled your eyes. Y/n, if I got a dollar every time you reacted like a Karen, I wouldn't be a manager right now, but in Hawaii with a coconut in my mansion."

"I'm that predicable huh? Anyway, I just missed having you around. Wanna come over later? If Sunwoo and Mrs. Kim are available too even better." I suggested and he agreed for him and his wife but he still wasn't sure about Sunwoo.

Obviously, if he doesn't pick up the damn phone no one would know he is even alive.

I arrived at home and the first thing I noticed on the couch was Minji's phone charger. She must be looking for it.

I took a shower because I would never wanna stink and texted Minji that I would go to the Hybe building and leave it at the reception.

I got off once again and when I arrived, she was waiting on the entrance.

"Y/n!" She hugged me and we got inside so no one would see anything.

"You're a lifesaver, the others need their charger when I also need mine. I thought I lost it!" She added with a cheerful voice.

"Park Y/n at your service ma'am." I reported as a military person and we shared a laugh.

"I'm gonna go now. I have to practice for our stage with Nmixx and our comeback." She hugged me once again before leaving.

When I heard Nmixx my heart dropped. Was Haewon a part of that stage too? No, no way. She supposedly didn't know who Minji was when she pulled up furiously st my house.

I got in my car once again and arrived at my house super tired, ready to take a much needed nap before waiting for my guests.

author: a filler chapter oop. but new  character unlocked. How do we feel about Yunah?

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