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Hanni's pov:

We finished practice half an hour ago and Minji told us she'd be at the dorm because of some confusion at the set or something.

"Do you think she spoke with Y/n?" Hyein asked after we entered the van to reach our dorm.

"I hope she has. Her brain goes blank whenever she talks about her. I think she's going a little crazy." Dani exclaimed and we all laughed and reached the dorm finally. Haerin had been complaining about being sleepy for an hour.

I was about to enter the bathroom but the door wasn't opening. "Minji?" I asked, knowing that she's the only one that could be inside.

"Give me a moment." She yelled and I waited until she finally opened the door.

I looked at her and sighed before speaking. "You're a mess."

"I'm not a mess. Why are you saying that?" She asked, trying to defend herself.

"I can tell from your eyes that you've been crying."

"She got back with her ex." Tears started streaming down her cheeks again.

"Shit... are you okay?" I asked her and hugged her immediately.

"I thought she liked me, Hanni." Crying over someone you don't know for long might seem crazy to some people but, for someone that spent their teenage years training instead of doing normal things, even a month is long enough.

"I thought so too." Something doesn't sit right. Everyone knows that sober thoughts are drunken actions, no way she just let herself be so stupid.

Y/n's pov:

"Baby, I'm gonna take a shower and wait for you in bed." Haewon kissed my neck lightly and I nodded, watching her leave the living room.

I took this time to think and relax since these days have been quite hectic.

My mind kept drifting to the moment Minji defended me when the director thought it would be cool to basically call me untalented.

I found myself smiling unconsciously and I checked the bathroom door before going to my balcony and calling Sunwoo.

"Hey Y/n, what's up?" Another voice asked, definitely not Sunwoo's.

"Oh hey Eric, is my best friend not available?" I asked politely. They were probably practicing...

"He's right here, I was just closer to the phone, happy to talk to you." He said before passing Sunwoo his phone.

"Hey there. How come you're calling me? Did you think about how much you fucked up thinking that getting back with Haewon was a great idea?" He sassed me.

"I actually did get back together with her. But there's this thing that has been on my mind..." I started before telling him everything about Minji and our conversation this morning. Even that I'm still thinking about her right now, that my girlfriend is inside.

"There's one girl in your bed and another on your mind? You're messed up Y/n. Didn't expect this from you." He sighed in disappointment.

"Y/n, seriously we need to stop talking about your love life. It's like watching the same movie over and over again. If you don't pull yourself together, you might just end up single. Which wouldn't be bad at all, but you're one of those that need to always be in a relationship." He explained and I sighed before understanding his point.

He's actually right, I need to pull myself together.

"Haewon got out of the shower, I need to hang up." I suddenly told him and hung up the phone.

She didn't actually get out, I just needed to think before actually going back to her.

No matter how much of an actress I am, it's difficult to pretend I'm not lost in thoughts. And I also realised how bad of a friend I am sometimes. Why did I hang up like that? Poor guy just wanted to help me.

"Why did you come here?" My girlfriend asked behind me.

"I was just thinking about you." I smiled softly and looked at the view.

"I've missed you so much." She suddenly slipped her hands under my shirt and touched my skin before kissing the back of my neck.

"I missed you too." I turned around to be in front of her and she pulled my shirt to her level to kiss me.

The whole moment was quite heated and based on Haewon's whole mood, her intentions were definitely different from what I wanted.

"I can't." I pushed her away.

"Huh? Do you not want me?" She asked with a confused face.

"Don't get me wrong. I want you but I can't. Not tonight at least." I saw her nodding sadly before biting the inside of her cheeks.

"Let's go to sleep then." I tried to grab her arm but she shut me down.

"Okay." I lowly replied, sensing her disappointment and awkwardness.

I got in bed and tried to think of something to make the mood less heavy.

"How did practice go today? I didn't ask you." I opened the conversation.

"It was fine. Me and Sullyoon did a vocal challenge, it was fun but my throat is sore as hell." She chuckled.

"You are an amazing vocalist, I'm sure you nailed it." I patted her head before pulling her in my arms for a cuddle.

"You know exactly how to boost my confidence." I laughed before pulling away.

"Come on, let's sleep. I'm feeling super tired." I yawned and she nodded before wrapping her arms around me again.

This was yet again a messy night.

author: second one for today

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