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Y/n's pov:

"I want to break this glass on your head so badly." Haewon screamed.

"I didn't do anything, it's my job." I defended myself.

It all started when Haewon wanted to accompany me to my first filming after the director's come back.

I tried to explain that she wouldn't like whatever was happening there and since Minji was the girl I was with when we broke up she would feel weird. She insisted.

"Oh so you didn't kiss? I was hallucinating?" She asked with an angry and ironic smile.

"We did kiss but because of the script. I would never kiss her outside!" I yelled back. Now... that's a lie but she doesn't know about that night.

"You looked at her like she's your whole world after that kiss. It lasted 11 seconds, by the way." Does she count?

"And you think I don't remember that she was at your house? Or that you kept looking at her at Music Bank? Cut the crap Y/n." She screamed one last time before grabbing her bag and leaving.

I was left alone, once again.

After every fight, my apartment feels so empty. Empty except for when someone I enjoy being around is here, even after big fights. Sunwoo, Minji...

I sighed and went to sleep right away. My head hurt so much from all the yelling.

I took my phone on my hands one last time to put on an alarm and then sleep but my notifications weren't it.

I checked the ID and smiled when I saw Minji's name.

Kim Minji

Are you okay? I got a weird feeling right now. Like you're down.


Hey Minji. I'm okay, I think. I had a fight with Haewon but it's fine. I'll get over it. Thanks for checking up on me though, how are you?

Kim Minji

I just got home. Practice was rough. Many overseas schedules are coming for me. I was wondering... are you up to meet before I leave? I'll be absent for at least a week. Now that I learnt that you're not okay, my reasons got double.


Sure. Let's meet up. Would you mind it being night though? I have some things to do in the morning.

Kim Minji

I don't mind. I might be a bit tired though. Just saying! (I'm literally ruining my sleep schedule for you. You better kiss the ground I walk on tomorrow)


Oh don't worry, I will. I'm gonna go sleep with my plushie now. Good night Minji

I shrugged my shoulders and turned over my bed to finally close my eyes for the night.


Y/n's pov:

"You finally hit me up." The girl across me smiled.

"I did. I didn't forget about you, obviously." I smiled back and took a sip of my coffee.

"You know, it feels weird seeing you outside of gym clothes." She laughed at me. I was wearing a white oversized t-shirt with black, straight pants. I also wore my hair down.

"Oh come on, I don't look different. It's you that looks like a brand new person, Yunah."

"I know right? The gym makes me unattractive." We chuckled.

I finally hung out with Yunah after hitting the gym a few hours ago.

My body was drinking coffee with her but I was internally thinking of how many minutes had passed. I was supposed to meet Minji tonight.

Haewon and I haven't spoken since last night. Sometimes it seems like she's trying to bring me down. It's all so draining and I'm not up for it, but deep down I think I love her.

Minji's pov:

Today, me and Hyein had to film "Dorm Vlog" and we decided to go to the closest bakery and grab something to eat for the members.

As we were holding the camera, my eyes looked around and caught a glimpse of a familiar figure laughing and being touchy with some girl. That's definitely Y/n. I can't be tripping.

Suddenly, I decided to turn off the camera.

"What's going on? Did we film anything inappropriate? It could be edited out." Hyein asked me, confused on my action.

"No, just... let's go another way." I turned her around and then started walking away.

While we were walking towards the manager's car, someone could be heard running behind.

"Girls!" The voice said and we both turned around.

And then I made eye contact with the person I wanted to see the most and the least at the same time.

I shouldn't be mad about her going out with someone else but she preferred her over me?

"What are you two doing here?" She asked as she approached.

"We were going to get something to eat for us and the members." Hyein responded while I was still looking through the glass to find the girl Y/n was previously with but I couldn't find anyone.

"Come with me, I'll treat you." She smiled and Hyein reluctantly looked at me, waiting to give a response.

"You don't have to, we're filming a vlog anyway." For a moment she looked disappointed but then she seemed to accept the rejection.

"Okay, then I'm gonna go. My friend is waiting at the car." Wait a damn minute.

"Your friend? The thing you had to do in the morning?" I asked with a look that seemed to give her confidence.

"Yeah, a friend of mine. Are you jealous?"

"Why am I third-wheeling?" Both me and Y/n turned around to see Hyein smirking.

"Okay so... look at how is going. I will go grab whatever we want to eat and you two can mess around until I'm done." She patted my shoulder and left with the camera while I was dumbfounded.

"Don't leave your friend alone, you should go back. Don't be an ass." I advised Y/n and she just looked at her shoes before shrugging her shoulders.

"I mean if that's what you want, who am I to refuse the order of the Great Minji, the well known physiologist who knows when I'm down?" She pretended to be hurt and I rolled my eyes before taking a deep breath.

"Don't be late tonight, you won't see me for 7 days at least." I gave her a small smile.

"I'm picking you up. Then we can choose where we wanna go together. Together means you choose, basically." Y/n announce and I laughed, knowing that we will end up going somewhere we've been before because we can't go out like normal people.

"Hyein is coming. I'll see you later." I tiptoed to give her a hug before entering the manager's car.

Undoubtedly, Y/n is the best person to hug, but I'm definitely not telling her that anytime soon.


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