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Y/n's pov:

I was hoping to get some extra sleep today but, my schedule is like that so whenever I want to wake up later, I can't.

I got under the covers for a bit, my hands roaming around the other side of the bed that Haewon usually sleeps whenever she comes over.

I groaned a bit as my head started ringing. Fuck headaches.

I checked my phone for any calls or texts and the only one I found was another text from my girlfriend.

My girl<3

Y/n, I know you're still mad but please contact me, can I can over tonight? I wanna see you. I miss you so much baby


Come over at 20:00 p.m, I'll be home after meeting my parents.

I took a deep breath and cursed at myself for letting it go again. But she's my girlfriend, we should fix things.

I quickly got out of bed, made my coffee and wore some comfy black pants with a white shirt.

Then I checked the time and figured I still had time before going to work so I took this time to smoke a cig and admire my view.

I had decided to not use my phone and clear my head as I do every morning but it started vibrating so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I blindly asked the caller, still not knowing who it was.

"Y/n? Is it a bad timing? Morning." I had learned to recognize her voice by now.

"Morning Minji. Not at all. It's not a bad timing." I replied a bit cheered up that she called this early.

"Nice morning voice. You just woke up huh?" She asked and I could feel her little smirk.

"I'm still trying. Why are you up so early? Do you have practice?" I asked her after finally taking my phone in my hands.

"I just kind of woke up and by the way, we're working together today and until the series filming is over." She informed me and I made an "O" face since I had completely forgotten that we had filming since I signed the contract.

That means I have to cancel on both my parents and Haewon...

"Filming starts in 2 hours, hope you've drank your coffee." She said as I was reminded to take a sip of my coffee.

"I am literally drinking my coffee right now. But I'll probably need another one later, I'm a big sleepyhead if I don't drink 2 coffees in a long day." We both chuckled.

"What's your go to coffee order? Just curious." She asked.

"Just a vanilla latte." I replied and she hummed. The call was silent for a while as we were both just enjoying each other's breathing through the phone.

"Okay so, I just wanted to call you. My members will wake up in an hour and I wanna make them some breakfast. See you later!" She cheerfully said into the mic and just like that, the call was over.

She makes breakfast for her members? That's honestly so thoughtful.

After chilling for a while, I texted Haewon cancelling on her and called my father to cancel on him too since him and my mom aren't good with texts.

I did some basic stretching to get ready for the day and stepped out of my appointment for a quick visit at IST ENT, to meet my best friend who was practicing.

"Morning to my favorite rapper and dancer of all time." I jumped on his back.

"What the hell are you doing here? I was hoping to get a day off you." He gave me a dirty look before laughing.

"No actually, I'm excited to see you. Didn't expect this visit." He smiled.

"You know me, always doing the unexpected." We both smirked.

"Based on this, do I expect a big change or...?" He asked signaling me to confirm or deny his thoughts.

"I am officially on a new series project!" I announced with an amused smile.

"I know idiot. Dad told me. But I'm happy you didn't wait for the headlines to tell your best friend." He faked a tear and then laughed.

"So, who's the lucky one working with you?" He asked. With this and that, I had completely forgotten telling him details.

"You definitely know Newjeans." He nodded and I continued. "I'm working with Minji." He seemed surprised.

"Didn't think she fit acting."

"I thought so too. But I'm giving her a chance. She's actually so nice. I really like her."

"God please like her. I'm done with that girlfriend of yours." He rolled his eyes.

"Just because she's staring in a GL doesn't mean she likes girls." I replied and the smirk he had on his face some moments before grew.

"Oh so you're not denying liking her."

"You know what I meant!" I gave him a look and he got it.

"Okay, okay, fine. But honestly? Rooting for it." After this move, I just greeted his members and left to get to the set.

After walking for a good 20 minute since I had asked my manager not to drop me off again, I got in the set with sweat formed in my forehead.

When I entered, the set wasn't as big as I expected. Maybe because it was supposed to be an office.

The people working on the set kind of ignored me since they were focused on their jobs, but I didn't mind it. Dare I say, I quite liked the peace.

"Hey!" I greeted Minji with a gentle shoulder touch as she wasn't facing my direction when I arrived.

"Hey Y/n. I'd say you look amazing but the sweat on your forehead makes me wanna say otherwise." We both laughed at this and suddenly she passed me a stand with two cups of coffee.

"One for me, one for you." She got her cup out and on the cup that was about to me mine it said "vanilla latte."

"You got me coffee? Oh my god, thank you. You made my day." I hugged her.

She quickly hugged me back and I immediately felt a wave of warmth.

"I hope I keep doing it. You look way better all smiley." We were both staring at each other's eyes until the producer shouted for everyone to gather, along with the other actors and actresses on the set.

author: is Sunwoo right? Does Y/n have a tiny crush on Minji?

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